Going to run my next cycle a bit different

Low test and high tren enth
Sorry, posted before I was done. Anyway I was going to run it the traditional way stratify test and tren at the same time and use Anadrol for a kicker. This is going to be a 12 wk bulk so after I did the math I will have bout 4 shots of test left over. I decided why not just use those 4 shots at the beginning ? So in other words I will start my cycle with a single shot of test enth 300 and do this the first 4 wks then go ahead and throw in the tren enth and Anadrol on the 5th wk. this way the test has some time to start kicking in well before the tren does. The tren will last 12 weeks and the Anadrol bout 6. Open to thoughts and or suggestions. Of coarse ai amd hcg will be in cycle along with liver care, caber on hand.