Gonna run Test e and Dbol for 12 week cycle , need a dealer

Points 2 and 3 are completely true, AFTER your HPTA has full matured. That's why us old guys do it.
Well, most of them are safe, if used properly, once your body is ready for them, but I know what you mean. To the best of my knowledge, the answer is no. In order to do 'better' than your natural system can do, you kind of have to temporarily replace your natural system, which shuts it down. Once it's fully developed, it should come back and be fine, but while it's still maturing, it doesn't know what to come back to, if that makes sense. I'm sure someone will come along and rip me for how scientifically accurate that is, but hopefully you get the idea.

Things that will not mess you up are sold OTC at GNC and the like. I'm a big fan of SuperPump Max and SizeON, and of course you can never have too much creatine or protein powder.
Unfortunately, this is a sad sad sign of the times....

Kids want results, QUICK.... No-one is prepared to put the long hours in, the correct nutrition and sleep and tie in the whole package... and this isn't a personal dig at you 'killerexp' - like I say, it's just the way young folk are nowadays...

I've got a lung infection - I need antibiotics...
I've got a headache - I need an aspirin
I've got a sore back - I need tramadol

The sad and simple truth is - everybody thinks the answer, and the quickest remedy is in a pill or an injection.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel, and I never will be... but if I knew at 18 - 25 what I know now - I wouldn't have done half the things I've done, and as a few people have already stated, you have everything you currently need to get big right there already! A young man's 'natural' testosterone level, a young man's metabolic rate, a receptive and responsive body... all you need to do is train clever, eat clean and lots of it, sleep well - you will grow!

Enjoy all those things while you have them buddy - cos once they diminish - you'll miss them - BIG TIME!

Im starting to realize i had this kind of a belief system snd that it has cost me a lot of time and money, if i had stuck with it in business and fitness i would be doing much better by now. Its hard to accept that ill have to think in terms on months, years, and even decades to really be successful in fitness and also in my business ventures. Fitness has taught me this, i wish i had learned it when i was 18...
how do people justify people like ronnie and arnold and other bodybuilders who started gearing at such young ages like arnold at 16 and they both still had kids , no sterility no disfunction.

And I just want to know Im not saying that you guys are wrong
the thing is I got a couple 18 year old friends who have done like 3 cycles already and they said nothing bad happened yet the only side affects they felt were difficulty in sleeping from tren other than that they say everything is normal

Ive also been lifting for a few months already gained 10 lbs without almost no fat gain so far the thing is since they haven-t noticed anything bad yet I thought why not just go on gear too

Wow , 18, 3 cycles and got the world by the balls.. You have NO clue. I use to try to help young kids ,but Its no use.. Why don't you and your friends take a trip to your local Children's or a Cancer Hospital . Your not taking Flintstone Chews.
Wow , 18, 3 cycles and got the world by the balls.. You have NO clue. I use to try to help young kids ,but Its no use.. Why don't you and your friends take a trip to your local Children's or a Cancer Hospital . Your not taking Flintstone Chews.

I was aiming for only 3 cycles hence why I mentioned them , since they have done the ammount of cycles I was aiming for even though they will continue to cycle
Arnold can afford all medical treatments in the world, and has a good PR person. I think it's foolish to assume those guys don't have tons of problems. A lot more is known now that it was when they started. People got fucked up, that's why we know it's bad now. Remember when smoking was good for you?

It's up to you, you can do what ever you want, including spending your life on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). There's guys here that have chosen the blast and cruise lifestyle, I just think it's recklessly irresponsible to tell kids that a cool life choice, or that they're special, and they will be fine. Do what ever you want, just know the facts and make an informed decision. And do NOT assume "Arnold is fine". And I'm not trying to be a dick, but honestly, go read the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum and post some questions about how those guys got there.
I was in the same position as you some time back, OP. I decided to go natty for 4 extra years.... learned A LOT,Noob gains were UNREAL and i wasnt even 18! That means youre gonna get much better results and fast cuz of your raging hormones. Dont follow your mates, they might not feel differences now, but in a few years its gonna F em up. Im 25 and been lifting since 19. I just started my cycle today. Even before roids, my noob gains and gains after that were so crazy people were claiming i was on roids! Thats just with my natural test because I was younger! Trust me.... Try out natty. I do not have any experience with AAS until today but i can say I have some decent training and dieting experience and i say this: Get to know your body better. You think you may know your own body... but trust me, wait a few years and those changes are gonna catch you off guard. Your mind is already made up though but all i have to say is this: Reconsider