Got my Pinnacle Test E and Dbol, can't wait to start my cycle.


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Test E and Dbol, can't wait to start my cycle.

Test E and Dbol, I cannot wait to start now. I am taking Ostanish right now, I have to finish this cycle and Pct first. I will post a log when i start with pics, bloodwork, ect. My stats: I am 30 years old, 6'1", 205lbs and climbing, low bodyfat. I have only done one test E cycle about 3 years ago. I had great results and am hoping to have even better results with this cycle. I will be doing bloodwork before cycle, mid cycle, and after to compare.

Here is my proposed Bulk cycle:
Wk 1-15 Test E 500mg split up 250mg twice/wk
Wk 1-4 Dbol 25mg/day before workout
Wk 1-15 Aromasin 10mg ED
post cycle therapy (pct) begins Wk 17 to Wk 21
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Whey protein
Milk thistle & NAC
Hawthorn Berry
Fish oil

4000cals on training days
3600cals on non training days
Macro ratio 45/35/20
Carbs: 450 grams
Protein: 350 grams
Fat: 89 grams

I know diet is the most important part so i will keep it on point. My weight is increasing from my osta cycle i am on, so I will probably have to figure these numbers out again with my new weight before this cycle.

What am I missing? Do I need to change anything? Please let me know. I want to do this the right way and have everything ready before I start. Even though it won't be for awhile.
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cycle looks good mate, im actually running something pretty similar here soon. Im using Armidex instead. I was honestly thinking of doing DBOL also, but since its my first i passed. Your post cycle therapy (pct) should start 2 weeks after last injection. So I'd say move it too week 17. Also how long did it take for your stuff to get to your place. I've been waiting for a few days for mine. Maybe also not eat different calories between training and non, i myself am just going to keep it the same everyday.
Thanks man and good catch on my post cycle therapy (pct) I will edit it. It only took a few days. They have great/fast service.
I am thinking about adding in Anabolic Innovations Cycle Support during my cycle and adding DAA for post cycle therapy (pct). Has anyone tried these products? Or would I be wasting my money?