Green Tea


New member
Ive read on a number of different sites that green tea is a good supplement to use in aid of weight loss. Have any of you guys use it and witness positive results?
sure iv used it and I think it worked. sort of. nothing dramatic but i lost like 2 kg whitout dieting.. if its the tea or something else i dont know.
I don't like this for my first post because this may be a dumb question, but does it matter what kind of green tea? I just bought some Lipton green tea at the store. Is that ok, or should I get something else?

Not trying to hyjack this thread.
I think its important to either get quality supps of it like Macro sells above or get tea that is actually 100% green tea. Lipton is is probaly not 100% green tea. You have to really read the labels.
Arizona Diet Green Tea. I drink about 3 gallons a week. One of the few that actually tastes good.
^Yea but you're just drinking green tea syrup, I highly doubt it has any of the beneficial ingredients that ACTUAL Green Tea has... Howver, I could be wrong, you might want to check the label.

I have noticed slight fat loss, but the doses had to be pretty high, but there are a myriad of other health benefits to green tea, so I always take it.
caladin said:
I think its important to either get quality supps of it like Macro sells above or get tea that is actually 100% green tea. Lipton is is probaly not 100% green tea. You have to really read the labels.

Exactly... It's just green tea tasting syrup