GRHP-2 or 6 / CJC-1295 with DAC or MOD GRF(1-29)


New member
I'm looking at doing a combined course of GRHP-6 and CJC-1295 but after doing some research in the forum, I have read mixed reviews as to what is better out of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6. And also mixed reviews out of which is better from CJC-1295 with DAC (which has been stated as better for women) and MOD GRF 1-29 (CJC-1295 W/O DAC). I have done many GH and IGF courses before and want to try something different this time so am after seeing how others have got on with these before I purchase. Thanks :beertoast
I'll make this easy:

Mod grf only. Forget about cjc DAC. That creates a gh bleed similar to a womans natural gh release which is slightly elevated for days. Assuming you want to remain a man, jk, you want mod grf. It's been modified to last around 30 minutes to an hour and when combined with a ghrp causes a huge spike in gh.

Ghrp2 or 6 is mostly preference. Most use 6 because a side effect is causing hunger due to gherlin. Ghrp2 is similar without that side effect.

But it's being reported that ghrp2 has a much higher saturation dose then all the other ghrp's. 100mcg is saturation for the rest but ghrp2 can be used at much higher doses without diminished returns.

Both are good so it's preference.
I'll make this easy:

Mod grf only. Forget about cjc DAC. That creates a gh bleed similar to a womans natural gh release which is slightly elevated for days. Assuming you want to remain a man, jk, you want mod grf. It's been modified to last around 30 minutes to an hour and when combined with a ghrp causes a huge spike in gh.

Ghrp2 or 6 is mostly preference. Most use 6 because a side effect is causing hunger due to gherlin. Ghrp2 is similar without that side effect.

But it's being reported that ghrp2 has a much higher saturation dose then all the other ghrp's. 100mcg is saturation for the rest but ghrp2 can be used at much higher doses without diminished returns.

Both are good so it's preference.

That's great advice, very much appreciated :beer:
I'll make this easy:

Mod grf only. Forget about cjc DAC. That creates a gh bleed similar to a womans natural gh release which is slightly elevated for days. Assuming you want to remain a man, jk, you want mod grf. It's been modified to last around 30 minutes to an hour and when combined with a ghrp causes a huge spike in gh.

Ghrp2 or 6 is mostly preference. Most use 6 because a side effect is causing hunger due to gherlin. Ghrp2 is similar without that side effect.

But it's being reported that ghrp2 has a much higher saturation dose then all the other ghrp's. 100mcg is saturation for the rest but ghrp2 can be used at much higher doses without diminished returns.

Both are good so it's preference.

User, i am under the impression that when you combine Ghrp with IGF it lengthens the halflife of the ghrp roughly 1/2 to 1 hour....

Comments about this? I think the IGF is a better compliment than cjc anyhow cause of the cartilage repairing properties it has......
I'm not sure. I have always heard that igf injected to close will blunt the release of gh. Igf does nothing for gh levels but I can't say what is effect is on ghrp.

Ghrh alone won't do much of anything to increase gh unless you take it during a natural pulse which is almost impossible because you can't really tell when your body is releasing. But when added to a ghrp it has everything neededto cause a huge spike.

I'm not sure on the mechanics of why igf would have any impact on the half life of a ghrp. I'll see if I can find any info on it.
Let me know what you think after you try it. It's best to run for a couple months or as long as you can afford.

Have ordered 2 months worth at the dosage I'm doing, so will assess after 4-6 weeks to see if I need another months supply. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks again