Guy selling me GH that you dont gotta reconstitute!?


New member
Ok, So the local guy I get stuff from here mentioned GH to me, said it would be 100iu for $300 bucks, I dont know much about it, other that you should run it for a pretty long time (6 months or so) to get good results. But, he said it just liquid I would inject with insulin needles? Maybe 2iu per day? I always thought you would have to constitute it, so wondering if its fake?
Price is high and you should receive it as powder. I don't trust this. Usually it comes 10 iu per vial so you would have 10 vials of lyophilized powder that has a small white puck of powder in the bottom (sometimes will be loose powder)

I have never seen or heard of a 100iu vial and I would not buy anything already in liquid (reconstituted) form.
Proteins that are not lyophilized in the stream from production to use have the potential to provide a higher quality product. This is because the drying process irreversibly denatures some protein, rendering it non-active and possibly immunogenic. However protein that is reconstituted will degrade over time, the length of time depending on the constituents of the solution and the temperature at which it is stored. Protein stored in water will degrade in under a week, while protein stored in a solution designed to keep the protein soluble and stable can keep it active for months. What is the source of this protein, what buffer is it stored in, and how old is it?
Proteins that are not lyophilized in the stream from production to use have the potential to provide a higher quality product. This is because the drying process irreversibly denatures some protein, rendering it non-active and possibly immunogenic. However protein that is reconstituted will degrade over time, the length of time depending on the constituents of the solution and the temperature at which it is stored. Protein stored in water will degrade in under a week, while protein stored in a solution designed to keep the protein soluble and stable can keep it active for months. What is the source of this protein, what buffer is it stored in, and how old is it?

Good info and post.
What is the brand of this HGH this gent is offering you?

From 05-07 when we could order direct from Gensci to the states I was getting Jintropin AQ, comes mixed and was really good! There are a few others as well