Gyms Sewers Overflowing with Steroids!


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Huge quantities of steroids and amphetamines are discharged from gym toilets into the sewage system. Researchers at Aachen University in Germany discovered this when they analysed the wastewater from two gyms in the town of Aachen. Fortunately amphetamines and the steroidsthat are popular right now are not a burden on the environment.

The researchers in Aachen looked at substances used by chemical bodybuilders, and measured the amounts found on four occasions in the wastewater from two gyms. And bingo, they found large concentrations of boldenone, methyl testosterone, amphetamines en ephedrine – as well as diuretics like furosemide [Lasix] and hydrochlorothiazide

The steroids and amphetamines were not found in the effluent from the wastewater treatment plants. They had been broken down. This had not happened to the diuretics.

So it’s not chemical athletes who are the problem – but heart patients. After all, most diuretics users are heart patients. Their medicines are not broken down by wastewater treatment plants, so these just remain in the environment. And what happens to them there? We don’t know. “But it’s high time that we find out”, the Germans conclude.
