Saw an Endocrinologist about three years ago, wouldn't do the obvious even though I had the Mayo Clinic (research library will research advanced subjects for the public) and a blood lab doctor saying I needed therapeutic phlebotomy desperately. Had this been caught earlier, all I would have had to do was give blood at the maximum rate because it was usable. Now the blood that comes out of me is unusable and even sometimes foamy. (can't be that way inside me, I'd be dead).
Six months later I was ALLOWED to see another Hematologist. I was in pain with every step and my whole body had odd things going on, which all turned out to be my blood. He set me up with therapeutic phlebotomy every two weeks and in about 1-2 months I was not only walking and managing self care, I was completely recovered and working out again full time from then on. (until something else went out of balance) An Endocrinologist told me to lower my testosterone because of what it was doing to my blood, so I went back to my Hematologist, who contacted that Endocrinologist and told him that he's taking care of my blood and to leave me the hell alone. He'll make sure my blood stays in balance even though I'm taking TRT (testosterone replacement therapy).
Due to a move, I see a new Hematologist in a week. If that works, I'll move all my care local. Otherwise, I'll keep driving two hours per direction to a giant facility. I'm specifically NOT going to let them share information with each other.
Here's the kicker: nearly any rich person's cash Men's Health doctor could balance me right out and maintain maximum health for me. I just don't have the $2K+ per year to pay them, and they are leery of my complexity so I'd have to go more often until they figure me out. I can also go to Mexico and get a slow release pellet inserted subcutaneously, and any augments they see fit, and continue to get them mail ordered and shipped and shipped to the USA. But being disabled on SSDI in the USA without a girlfriend means I have no quality help available.
I could just see it now, "Hey Baby, you look nice. I'm looking for a girlfriend to have a lot of sex with long term, but I may not perform too well until after my next dotor's visit. I need a girlfriend in order to get doctors to straighten out my hormones. I'm not that capable of taking you out to fun things because I get tired easy. Oh yeah, my tolerance for stress is low. Oh yeah, no fat chicks partly due to lifestyle - I need someone with energy to help pull me along because I lack self-motivation." Sounds like a hell of a pickup line, doesn't it?