Can I replace nonstop prescribed testosterone with cycles with augments?

I had a friend with your same symptons and he had very low iron values even when taking iron supplements.
Doctors found out that he had a rare condition, unfortunately, I don't remember the name, but now he is going well since he is being treated.

Have you ever visited an hematologist?
Saw an Endocrinologist about three years ago, wouldn't do the obvious even though I had the Mayo Clinic (research library will research advanced subjects for the public) and a blood lab doctor saying I needed therapeutic phlebotomy desperately. Had this been caught earlier, all I would have had to do was give blood at the maximum rate because it was usable. Now the blood that comes out of me is unusable and even sometimes foamy. (can't be that way inside me, I'd be dead).

Six months later I was ALLOWED to see another Hematologist. I was in pain with every step and my whole body had odd things going on, which all turned out to be my blood. He set me up with therapeutic phlebotomy every two weeks and in about 1-2 months I was not only walking and managing self care, I was completely recovered and working out again full time from then on. (until something else went out of balance) An Endocrinologist told me to lower my testosterone because of what it was doing to my blood, so I went back to my Hematologist, who contacted that Endocrinologist and told him that he's taking care of my blood and to leave me the hell alone. He'll make sure my blood stays in balance even though I'm taking TRT (testosterone replacement therapy).

Due to a move, I see a new Hematologist in a week. If that works, I'll move all my care local. Otherwise, I'll keep driving two hours per direction to a giant facility. I'm specifically NOT going to let them share information with each other.

Here's the kicker: nearly any rich person's cash Men's Health doctor could balance me right out and maintain maximum health for me. I just don't have the $2K+ per year to pay them, and they are leery of my complexity so I'd have to go more often until they figure me out. I can also go to Mexico and get a slow release pellet inserted subcutaneously, and any augments they see fit, and continue to get them mail ordered and shipped and shipped to the USA. But being disabled on SSDI in the USA without a girlfriend means I have no quality help available.

I could just see it now, "Hey Baby, you look nice. I'm looking for a girlfriend to have a lot of sex with long term, but I may not perform too well until after my next dotor's visit. I need a girlfriend in order to get doctors to straighten out my hormones. I'm not that capable of taking you out to fun things because I get tired easy. Oh yeah, my tolerance for stress is low. Oh yeah, no fat chicks partly due to lifestyle - I need someone with energy to help pull me along because I lack self-motivation." Sounds like a hell of a pickup line, doesn't it?
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Saw an Endocrinologist about three years ago, wouldn't do the obvious even though I had the Mayo Clinic (research library will research advanced subjects for the public) and a blood lab doctor saying I needed therapeutic phlebotomy desperately. Had this been caught earlier, all I would have had to do was give blood at the maximum rate because it was usable. Now the blood that comes out of me is unusable and even sometimes foamy. (can't be that way inside me, I'd be dead).

Six months later I was ALLOWED to see another Hematologist. I was in pain with every step and my whole body had odd things going on, which all turned out to be my blood. He set me up with therapeutic phlebotomy every two weeks and in about 1-2 months I was not only walking and managing self care, I was completely recovered and working out again full time from then on. (until something else went out of balance) An Endocrinologist told me to lower my testosterone because of what it was doing to my blood, so I went back to my Hematologist, who contacted that Endocrinologist and told him that he's taking care of my blood and to leave me the hell alone. He'll make sure my blood stays in balance even though I'm taking TRT (testosterone replacement therapy).

Due to a move, I see a new Hematologist in a week. If that works, I'll move all my care local. Otherwise, I'll keep driving two hours per direction to a giant facility. I'm specifically NOT going to let them share information with each other.

Here's the kicker: nearly any rich person's cash Men's Health doctor could balance me right out and maintain maximum health for me. I just don't have the $2K+ per year to pay them, and they are leery of my complexity so I'd have to go more often until they figure me out. I can also go to Mexico and get a slow release pellet inserted subcutaneously, and any augments they see fit, and continue to get them mail ordered and shipped and shipped to the USA. But being disabled on SSDI in the USA without a girlfriend means I have no quality help available.

I could just see it now, "Hey Baby, you look nice. I'm looking for a girlfriend to have a lot of sex with long term, but I may not perform too well until after my next dotor's visit. I need a girlfriend in order to get doctors to straighten out my hormones. I'm not that capable of taking you out to fun things because I get tired easy. Oh yeah, my tolerance for stress is low. Oh yeah, no fat chicks partly due to lifestyle - I need someone with energy to help pull me along because I lack self-motivation." Sounds like a hell of a pickup line, doesn't it?

A wife can only help. what did your Hematologist say at your last visit?
"A wife can only help."
Not sure what you mean. Without a sex life Medicare sees sexual health as irrelevant. With a sexual partner I can offer feedback, without I cannot. I don't date, would not accept a one night stand, and don't quite see how I'll meet anyone. Here on a forum, lets assume I never find anyone. This isn't the place to try to find someone nor dating recommendations.

"what did your Hematologist say at your last visit?"
That they have no idea why I have Erythrocytosis, why I shed iron and never have enough even though I take iron pills per prescription; all while testing positive for hereditary hemachromatosis which should manifest as holding on to too much iron. Because many other bodily systems are involved, this is assumed to be a secondary effect.

I just saw a new Hematologist who called me a liar to my face. I'm not hiring her! Her office called and said my current doctor can send me to their phlebotomy center, so I won't have to drive so far. There will be no new diagnostics done. All doctors new to my case assume testosterone injections are why I have Erythrocytosis, but a closer look rules that out. My levels on full dose are mid-high, not at cheating levels.

I absolutely must function at a higher level, and I have great exercise opportunities where I am now with social distancing, and a lot of work to do just to have a place to stay - so cutting my life to 70 or 60 years at maximum is better than extending what I'm living now. I really need to know which drugs to take as augments and how long to keep up a cycle. With exercise, I can handle 200mg/wk or more T Cyp, where I crash at 200mg/wk if I don't work out daily (slowly building), and a drug may keep that particular crash type from happening. After previous cycles, I maintained strength until the next time I could handle a cycle. At this point I'm starting from scratch again, but my baseline is pretty powerful. My weight is normal.

Without fixing this, I'll have to change my name from WasHousebound to NowHomeless.
"A wife can only help."
Not sure what you mean. Without a sex life Medicare sees sexual health as irrelevant. With a sexual partner I can offer feedback, without I cannot. I don't date, would not accept a one night stand, and don't quite see how I'll meet anyone. Here on a forum, lets assume I never find anyone. This isn't the place to try to find someone nor dating recommendations.

"what did your Hematologist say at your last visit?"
That they have no idea why I have Erythrocytosis, why I shed iron and never have enough even though I take iron pills per prescription; all while testing positive for hereditary hemachromatosis which should manifest as holding on to too much iron. Because many other bodily systems are involved, this is assumed to be a secondary effect.

I just saw a new Hematologist who called me a liar to my face. I'm not hiring her! Her office called and said my current doctor can send me to their phlebotomy center, so I won't have to drive so far. There will be no new diagnostics done. All doctors new to my case assume testosterone injections are why I have Erythrocytosis, but a closer look rules that out. My levels on full dose are mid-high, not at cheating levels.

I absolutely must function at a higher level, and I have great exercise opportunities where I am now with social distancing, and a lot of work to do just to have a place to stay - so cutting my life to 70 or 60 years at maximum is better than extending what I'm living now. I really need to know which drugs to take as augments and how long to keep up a cycle. With exercise, I can handle 200mg/wk or more T Cyp, where I crash at 200mg/wk if I don't work out daily (slowly building), and a drug may keep that particular crash type from happening. After previous cycles, I maintained strength until the next time I could handle a cycle. At this point I'm starting from scratch again, but my baseline is pretty powerful. My weight is normal.

Without fixing this, I'll have to change my name from WasHousebound to NowHomeless.

so ar you homeless now? hope not bro. did you find a better more informed doctor to sort you out?
Yeah, I'm now homeless. Someone is letting me sleep in an uninsulated, partly dirt one car garage with power, no cooling, in a heatwave and we almost burned down a few days ago as insult to injury. I have to go elsewhere to reach wifi. I'm grateful to have this. Why do you ask? Do you have a better option for me? Any suggestions? Any private Endocrinologists take pity on me?

My new situation is very charitable and I'm grateful. I'm helping out and my experience has value but I'm DRAGGING A**! As I'm currently training their puppies, I'm going to take puppies to a nude beach now. Sounds fun, right? I'm half inclined to climb back into bed instead, but I have to take the pups to socialize them. I should be having a blast but I'm not. (nude beaches have social distancing built in already, no mask needed - I think, family beaches ignore social distancing)
Yesterday we repeated some tests, as my doctor wants to DICK WITH my testosterone and my thyroid. My total Testosterone was only 700 and he wants me down to MIDDLE of range at 500. He ordered total testosterone, I demanded free testosterone as well. I'm not cheating a competition: I need my hormones right so I can survive. I'll post the new results shortly.

He's screwing with my thyroid as well, but I don't expect information on this forum on that subject.

Staying right here through the pandemic, they'll let me stay in my miserable state, yet I have massive opportunities on this property and the reputation I build will get me more work in this community I just moved to. Going "On Cycle" would massively improve my life. I've got to build a home of some sort that can handle snow before winter, it rained last night, and the roof has holes in it. What's wrong with my health? Hormones!
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I was in that near homeless situation for a few months and rented a bedroom where I've done little but sit in a room for a year. At least it's warm.

Since this thread exists, it’s easiest to ask all my questions on it. This has been a hell of a ride. Without steroids, I’d have been bedridden. With them, my status changed in a cycle I couldn’t control. Each attempt at lowering or stopping steroids has resulted in symptoms not pertinent here and physical incapacity.

This last time I tried to taper off worked. I last injected testosterone about three months ago after a slow taper. I can’t do anything but sit around, but that’s what I was doing anyway.

I have a new doctor who isn’t trying to take away long term drugs. He knows I’m not taking as much as prescribed of things, and is cool with that. He specifically knows that I adjust my testosterone dose based on ‘other factors.’ So I really can do what I want, and have proper justification as well. If augments help me, I have a source and doctors would probably prescribe them anyway if they help me.

Now back to the long term idea of cycles, which I would like to implement now. I’m not just the average dude, but pretty ill. Yet my skelato-muscular system is excellent; I need only train a bit to get cut and defined, at least relatively, as long as I don’t crash. I’d like to use cycles to maximize my enjoyment of life; from a very poor baseline. It seems to work for me for unrelated reasons, but it seems like my best option is to train for a nonexistent competitions in one to four cycles per year. So don’t answer with ‘but that can’t be sustained.’

I’m 5-10lbs over ideal, and for health reasons (even surgery?) I’d like to drop to my lean running weight right now. I can barely digest carbs and fats even with a pill, so a hardcore low calorie keto diet would benefit me.

My experience is only with testosterone cypionate, up to 150mg/wk long term, 200mg/wk when this worked and got me back to the gym, 100mg/wk was generally too low.

Last week, actually lower than this had I tested in the morning:
Testosterone, total 373ng/ml ref: 250-827
Cholesterol, repeat test - existing pancreas problem getting worse, can’t digest fats or carbs

What steroid regimen would benefit me, with augments, as if I’m preparing for a competition in a few months? I can’t maintain if I do it half-assed, so I’m looking for a hardcore full regimen with schedule and diet to write up for myself to get the most out of it. Instead of a competition, I may be under the knife. Dropping to under weight with definition may alleviate problems completely. So I guess my reason is more important than a competition.

I seem to need to do a diet and full regimen at the same time in order to get a kick start out of testosterone injections. I’d like to pick up augments that I read about on this forum, but have never tried. I have a source, but I’m not ordering random stuff. What augments would help me get lean and defined in a couple months? (Is a couple months long enough?)

I suppose I need a regimen in the short term, and another in the long term. I find that when I’m maintaining and stay “on” too long I crash, so I plan only to be “on” for a month at a time. That may mean 3-4 cycles per year, but I’m just guessing at this point. What is a good way to maintain long term? For me, it is not staying on the standard injection dose continuously but some form of cycle. If I don't do a cycle, it ends up happening to me anyway.