Gyno after cycle?


New member
Last spring I did a tren/test prop cycle for 6 weeks. I used liquidex throughout and clomid post cycle. About a month after the I was done I developed a small lump under one of my nipples. It has almost gone totally away now, there is a little still there. I am planning on doing a cycle in a couple of months of just test enan. at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks. I do not want to risk getting gyno again. My question is have a lot of people experienced getting gyno after their cycle is done? I will have plenty of arimidex, nolvadex and clomid. How should I run these during my cycle? Should I run arimidex and nolvadex throughout the whole cycle and through clomid therapy?
well post cycle your hormone levels are very how you say "imbalanced" so i could defineately see you acquiring gyno as your testosterone is getting back in line and your estrogen is required to lower.
i did a test prop/fina/dbol cycle one time and about a month after the cycle started experiencing itchy nips. i took 50mg nolva the first day, 20mg for about a week, and 10mg for another week and it went away and i never developed gyno.
i didnt read your whole post. if you start another cycle before you fix it its only going to get worse. if its from the fina i dont know if nolva will work. i think you use something else. ask tx, he knows.
Nolva does nothing for gyno from fina. Fina related gyno (which is EXTREMELY rare) is from progesteron not estrogen. I think bromo is supposed to help with fina gyno but I'm not sure.
F.B.I. said:
ask tx, he knows.

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but all I can do is give my best guess. Nobody really knows about gyno and all we can do is take our best shot at it. Sometimes it's not elevated estrogen that is blamed, but a lack of androgens like test. Who the hell knows.

Anyways, it's somewhat common to get gyno symptoms after the end of the cycle. Like I mentioned above, your androgen levels are very low at that time. Some think it is 'estrogen rebound', whatever the hell that is.

I would just be as aggressive as possible in trying to recover from your cycle and go from there. Also, if you are thinking your next cycle should be half a gram of test, you should probably reconsider. Test will aromatize very easily. Maybe start slow if you are hell bent on still taking the test, that way if any problems arise, they should be easily correctible.
I am not sure if I was clear enough in my original post. The cycle I got gyno from was over a year ago. It is pretty much gone. There is still a very small lump, but my nipple looks fine. No fatty tissue or anything. I only ran clomid last time for three weeks which seems to be about average. Should I run it longer? or run nolvadex out longer past clomid and taper it off. I have heard of some people doing this in an attempt at combatting post cycle gyno. It seems to me that fluctuating test levels maybe could have caused this. I never during the whole cycle ever felt the onset of gyno.
Never really got gyno from a cycle... had it naturally pubescent...

But most of the cases I have heard of come AFTER a cycle... as I believe Natty said, because you are more imbalanced... I've seen guys go through a cycle with nothing and then blow up with puffy nips...

The nolva, as FBI said... will help. When I used tren, it was enough for that too...

Another option, in order to bring your test levels back, would be to crank some HCG the last week of your cycle, 1500-3000 iu, depending on how bad it's gotten. Time it so your HCG stops about a week and a half b4 you kick in your anti-e's post cycle. Had gyno pretty bad (multiple cycles, mostly from Enth and Susp---sorry to tell you) until had them cut out. Let's hear it for modern medicine.......
That is why I think taking nolva post cycle is a good idea.. keeping estrogen down is conducive to getting test levels up, and it counters gyno which one could be especially prone to post cycle- look at the situation at the end of a cycle- test down, estrogen up.