gyno.. from tren or test?


New member
Hope y'all can maybe tell me what my gyno is from. its only on my left nipple and I hope some experts out there can lend some wise words. from what I understand you can get gyno from tren and it is a prolactin issue that requires dostinex. Ive never had pubertal gyno and I'm not fat. A month after my cycle i ran a cut stack. Which on the label reads:

1 vial of 2 ml total 300mg
each 1 ml has :
50 mg Testosterone Propionate
50 mg Drostanolone Propionate(Masteron)
50 mg Trenbolone Acetate

what i want to know is do you think the cut stack made my gyno or running the test enanthrate with the Androl cycle? or both? I thought it was a very small dose of tren but I have a lump under my nipple and I'm quite terrified it won't go away. Ive ran an all oral cycle with test before and had no problems (that was a dbol cycle). two months later i started this cycle. a month later my nipple got a lump. Also my nipple has been hard from 2 months now, is it already at the stage where its permanent? I just got letro in the mail today but i wanted some professional advice before i take it.

8 week cyle
with test enanthate 1250
140 pounds, 5'5

then two weeks later a cut stack:

1 vial of 2 ml total 300mg
each 1 ml has :
50 mg Testosterone Propionate
50 mg Drostanolone Propionate(Masteron)
50 mg Trenbolone Acetate

then a month later i got a lump under my nip

If it it is tren related i should get dostinex, but should i combine dostinex with letro if I'm not sure if the tren or the test gave it to me? Im in a pickle and i need some good advice. i would not ask y'all if i didn't do hours of research beforehand.
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It sounds like you got gyno because your didn't use an Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole or Exemestane) or a zdopamine Agonist (e.g. Pramipexole or Cabergoline).

Look in the Anabolic Forum Stickies for Austinite's Gyno thread. It will explain why you do not want to use Letrozole. And how to reduce your existing gyno.

If you are going to continue your cycle or run one in the future, and do not want by o again you need to learn about using AI's and DA's.
Very great info on that forum but I still need to know if I'll be alright running prami with letro. I don't know if its a prolasctin issue... My nips aren't lactating but the one is hard and I'm trying not to fiddle with it and agitate it more. Should it be leaking noticabley to determine if it's prolactin gyno or do I have to squeeze it? Anddo you believe the small amount of tren cause it?
Very great info on that forum but I still need to know if I'll be alright running prami with letro. I don't know if its a prolasctin issue... My nips aren't lactating but the one is hard and I'm trying not to fiddle with it and agitate it more. Should it be leaking noticabley to determine if it's prolactin gyno or do I have to squeeze it? Anddo you believe the small amount of tren cause it?

Did you read Austinite's sticky thread? I am assuming no based on your previous post.

Have you gotten blood work showing what your estradiol and Prolactin levels are at?

Don't squeeze or play with your nipples. That will just make it worse.

Yes, a 19nor can cause Prolactin problems if you don't manage estradiol. Even at a "small" dose.
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Bump... TB is looking for input from other guys here. Anything else to add? He has partially read Austinite's Gyno sticky but still thinks Letro is the best course of action. He also wants to use Vitamin B6. He rejects the studies on humans that Austinite referenced as well.