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Hi guys, I'm in need of some advice big time been off the juice for 3 years and now I have developed a serious lump behind both nipples, it's making me very self conscience :flamingma, has any one got any advice on what to take to get rid of it thanks
Run Letro to attempt to combat it. However, once gyno reaches a certain state, only surgery can get rid of you want to get your hands on some letro as soon as possible. Run it like so....(assuming you are currently using no other AI)

Day 1: .50mg
Day 2: 1.0mg
Day 3: 1.5mg
Day 4: 2.0mg
Day 5: 2.5mg

Keep the dose at 2.5mg until the symptoms dissapear, and once they do, keep the dose at 2.5mg for another week. You can then taper down the dose like so...

Day 1: 2.0mg
Day 2: 1.5mg
Day 3: 1.0mg
Day 4: .50mg
Day 5: .25mg

Keep in mind that Letro is going to destroy your sex drive due to your almost non existent estrogen levels, and after coming off of Letro your body could rebound in an attempt to balance your test and estrogen levels. I would advise taking Nolvadex the day after you stop Letro like so....

Week 1-20mg/ED
Week 2-10mg/ED

Since you are not PCTing off of a cycle, there is no need to be on the Nolvadex for more than 2 weeks. I have used this very same process and it worked for me, but it all depends on how far along your gyno is.
You can get Letro from Welcome to!. Their products are legit, and I use them for all my chem needs. Click the "Aromatase Inhibitors" link and it will be the product named "Liquid Letro"

The Nolvadex can be found under the "SERMs" link, it is listed as "Liquid Tamox"
Thanks rosco flex that is a very big help I will order them straight away and try them out, just hope the gyno hasn't got that far thanks again leonzak
It's 2.5mg/ml. So you can run the max dose as mentioned above 30 times with one bottle. Therefore one bottle would be enough for your needs. You would only need 1 bottle of Nolvadex as well. They will ship you an oral syringe, fill it up to the 10 mark for 1ml(2.5mg). Figuring the ml-mg conversion for the other doses can be done using simple math.
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you should run hcgenerate along with letro to ensure you libido is not completely gone...

If you do run HCG, I would have you run a full post cycle therapy (pct) due to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shutting you down like an AAS. Its really up to how bad you wunna bang the Ol' lady.
ALSO i should add that there is no "magic" dose that works for everyone...this is a standard dose that gets it done for most. But everyone is different. If you experience joint pain due to plummeting estro levels, ease up a bit on the dose and find your hot spot. If you do this, i wouldnt recommend straying too far from the doses listed above as you need to knock out the gyno. Goodluck
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