H-drol and Clomid


New member
I've been researching for my upcoming cycle for the last 3 months and in the millions of H-drol threads I have read the vast majority of guys have used Nolva 20/20/10/10 for a serm. However, I have read a few things saying that Nolva doesn't really raise testosterone, and its more for preventing gyno. I'd rather use Nolva because it seems like less is needed (I would like to only have to buy one bottle) and there isn't the vision or emotional side effects (from what I understand).

So is there anything to Nolva not really raising test? I've seen plenty of things saying the opposite as well, so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. Plenty of guys use it, so it must do something.

I feel like I've asked a lot of basic questions, so I hope you guys don't mind. I've been reading a ton about this and I just want everything to be clear when I'm in the middle of a cycle.
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Use novla at the end of your cycle at the dosage above; in conjunction with Aromasin ED or EOD at 6.5-12.5. Both can be found from our sponser RUI. If your proned to Gyno might need something a little stronger like letro depending on your stats and cycle.
NO novla, get the clomid and take it with aromasin. Clomid at 50/50/50/50.

why no nolva? Im just curious. i want to know more about it..ive never used clomid myself. just nolva. but i would think taking them both would be best though..if you got the money

ive read that nolva is stronger, and has less sides. Ive read that it is actually good for cholesterol levels and better for liver...which is great for a PH right since they are liver toxic?

Nolva vs. Clomid for PCT

JACK51..if you do use nolva...dose at 40/40/20/20..and not 20/20/10/10
There are plenty of articles showing Clomid to be a great tool as part of pct, no offense to novla but it contains a metabolite that is cancerous, I will pass. Secondly if anyone will actually improve cholesterol, it would be Clomid....
There are plenty of articles showing Clomid to be a great tool as part of pct, no offense to novla but it contains a metabolite that is cancerous, I will pass. Secondly if anyone will actually improve cholesterol, it would be Clomid....

no offense taken. I am always eager to learn what I do not know. do you by chance have any of the articles saved? can you PM me some info or links, or post some more info on it??