H-drol my best option?


New member
Hey everybody! I'm 18 years old and a senior on high school, before winter I cut 25 lbs in about a month for wrestling but in doing so lost a bit of muscle. I'm probably at about 13% or 12% body fat. I'm 5'10.5" and 170 lbs. And want to put some muscle on and shed some fat. What's my best bet? I have a friend taking h-drol, and he's packed on some serious meat, but is that something really safe to take take right now? Is there something I can take without any bad sides and results I'll at least kind of keep? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
the worst sides? not being able to get it up for any girls that might find you attractive... FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

seriously. wait a couple more years, there is not a "best option" for people who havent fully developed yet and you cant tell from looking at the outside. stick to a strict diet and training program and you'll make gains.
as lane said at your age its not worth it.diet and training should be your main focus pick up the basics like creatine and a solid weight gainer and etc.doing a lean bulk will depend alot on your diet and training.