Had to cheat on last rep of 5x5 barbell curls


New member

Last session I had to cheat a lot and use my back to get the 5th rep on my 5th set of barbell curls.

All the rest of the reps were with very good form.

Should I still increase the weight next week by 5lbs ? or keep it the same and try and get 5x5 without cheating on last rep ?

When I had that issue I'd always increase and see what happens the following week. If you think you can't increase, then don't. Either decision won't kill you.
Even if you have trouble adding 5 pounds, you can always do 5reps x 3sets or 3 reps x 5 sets, then once you max out on both go back to the weight you couldn't do for 5x5 before and start from there. Atleast that's what I read in the 5x5 post.