Hair Loss risk

Brock Landers

New member
hey all
Just wanted to share this with you all. Before I started my first cycle (June 2002) I was concerned about my risk for hair loss. Since that time I have done 2 1/2 AS cycles, along with a few small PH cycles, and I have experienced no loss of hair. This came as a big surprise to me, as I heard that hair loss risk can be detected from your mother's side of the family (please correct me if I am wrong). Well, my mother's father was completely bald, so I thought I would be a high risk. Well here comes my question: I was at the doctors the other day and asked him about that (the mothers side) and he said it isn't necessarily your mother's father, but if your mother had any uncles that can be a better indicator?:confused: Well, both of her uncles had full heads of hair even in their old age. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this. Dont get me wrong, I ain't complaining that I have a full head of hair:D
Buffdoc wrote a GREAT comprehensive outline @Elite if you can find it!!!

Hair loss from MPB (male pattern baldness) is hereditary driven; ~90% of cases, the "rouge gene" comes from the mothers side (from what I've read). Buff's the expert!
Im not sure about this either but if it comes from the mothers side my grandpa and all her uncles have 23 already have thin ass hair and it falls out im not really concerned about my hair when its gone its gone..ill just shave the shit off
my father is bald and one of my uncles on my mothers side is bald but my mothers father dies with all of his hair, so hopefully u wont go bald.