Haloplex cycle + PCT


New member
Need some feedack on my planned halodrol cycle.
Here are some of my stats: 5'9.5 185lb 14%bf 20yrs old
Bench: 225x11 265x3 295x1
Deadlifts: 315x10 385x1
Squats ATG: 325x3

I've been thinking about using halodrol (haloplex) for my first cycle. Been training for 2 years consistently but want to take my gains to the next level. Did a ton of research on post cycle therapy (pct) cycle support etc. Just wanted to know if what I have a good cycle planned out. Will be doing either an upper/lower body split 6x/week or a 5day bodybuilding split.
Goal is to gain 8+ lb while increasing strength in a 6 week cycle of halodrol. Then cut down to ~10% bf

cycle assist CEL
1020mg hawthorn berry
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine

Haloplex: 50/50/75/75/75/75
cycle assist CEL
1020 mg hawthorn berry
200mg coq10
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine
1000mg taurine
Vitamin b6/b12 to increase appetite

post cycle therapy (pct):
Nolvadex: 20/20/10/10
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine
kre alkalyn
assault pre workout

Planned out my diet. Going to eat around 4000 cals and get in at least 300g protein. Will also drink 1-2 gallons of water each day. I also will keep nolvadex on hand just in case gyno flares up. Just wanna be safe, even tho halo isnt supposed to aromatize, My questions are: 1. Does my pre load look alright? 2. Is taking liv52 along with cycle assist going to be putting too much milk thistle in my body? 3. Wondering if I should add DAA into my post cycle therapy (pct). I've read that many people add tribulus or DAA into post cycle therapy (pct) but idk if its a good idea.
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Looks great man! I never ran the cycle, I'm about to though. I have cycle support but I'm probly gonna use TUDCA, and 1 scoop instead of 2 for cycle support, and add in hawthorne berry to equal/pass 1g, and add in NAC. I'm concerned about articles I've read that milk thistle ruins the androgenic activity. Just don't go over 1g of mt. People space out the dose 4 hours apart from the Hdrol, but I'm still concerned that's why I am only doing the one serving of cycle support unless I get bad sides. Taurine - for back pumps you will definately need more than 1g. I think Taurine messes with your CNS so I wouldn't use it unless you develop the pumps. DAA i would use week 3 of pct along with erase. Your 2nd week of Hdrol should be 75 from what i've read but some people are fine with 50 the whole cycle so up to u.
Yea I've also read the same thing regarding milk thistle. I'll be sure to add erase and daa to my 3rd week of post cycle therapy (pct). I'd like to know what my dosage of nolva should be if I were to use it mid-cycle due to gyno showing up. Also, what kinds of muscular/strength gains can I expect from a 6wk cycle of haloplex at the dosage 50/75/75/75/75/75? Is 8-10 solid lbs reasonable?