i live in israel and my whole immediate family is still in the states. i took this part really hard when i was still a soldier when i was deployed for 17-28 days at a time (then 4 day vacation and back again) for much of my service on the border of Gaza and Lebanon; coming back to an empty house with no one to greet you was not the most pleasant feeling. and although i have my entire extended family right here who is always there for me, its still not the same.
i talk to my mom and brother basically every day. sent my mom her favorite flowers to her office earlier and along with an emotional note attached.. she couldn't help but cry.
no one in the world can compare to a mother's love, brahs, so dont forget to call her today and remind her how much you love her and how much she means to you.. because realistically speaking, sadly, a day will come and you won't have the opportunity to do so.