hard to eat enough to gain for my weight


New member
Not sure if anyone else has had problems with getting enough calories ? I weigh 265 lbs and am 6'1" with around a 20 percent body fat, so I have to take in about 5000 calories, 500 grams of protien a day. I have been stuck at the same weight for about two months now hit a plateau and am starting to get frustrated. I tried Engorge but I think it just works for some people with some kind of a placebo effect. What can I do to get past this, I know I have to eat more but GD thats alot of food !!! any sugestions
this was yesterday
meal #1 whey shake 60 g protein ,3 cups milk, 1 cup yogurt 260cal,3g carbs- total 740 cal, 93 g pr, 74 carbs

meal#2 milk 3 cups and 4 slices pizza total 1240cal,72g pro, 153 carbs

meal#3 salsbury steak 8oz chicken breast 8 oz 1 cup mac and cheese, 1 cup broccli and cheese 3 cups skim milk and a protein shake that total around 1200 cal, 150g pro, 75 carbs,

snack a banna and a protein shake 60g pro, 500cal , 36 carbs

shake afte the gym the gym so 60gpro, 240 cal cuz no milk and 3 carbs

Meal#4 turkey sandwich 8oz turkey 1 slice cheese on whole wheat, and 3 cups skim milk didn't add this in i got lazy

and another shake, 2 cups yogurt, and a bowl a minni wheats cereal before bed
it's just hard for me to stay consistent sometimes, well most days I get sick to my stomach I think it might be all the protein shakes but idk... thanks I'll check back later tonight going out to eat w friends . thanks again
That's your problem, stop going out to eat with your friends and do more research on diets. Most likely your going to eat shitty food right now.
Lose the shakes. Eat real food. Pizza is not "real food." Macaroni and cheese is not "real food."

Try things like:
can of tuna (or three, or four...) with olive oil and cherry tomatoes and two avocados.
6-12 eggs, scrambled
ground beef patties, form into 1/3lb patties. 2-3 per sitting. add onion, jalapeno or bell pepper, almond meal, and eggs to the beef while preparing the patties. cook all of them sunday, eat throughout the week.
whole chicken breasts, 1-2 per sitting. consume with broccoli, spinach, or rice if it's a workout day.
sweet potatoes peeled and baked (cook six of these on sunday). coat with coconut oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice before baking. quarter and store in the fridge.
meatloaf. buy small tins and make meatloaf similar to the above recipe for patties. form into 1lb "loafs". eat 1-2 per meal.

I swear I'm going to make a sticky for these "hardgainer" types one day.

Edit: shakes do have a place in an athlete's diet who is training hard. Right after (I mean, immediately after) a workout. I'm lazy, so I hit the Cytosport Monster milk right after a workout. Other than that, I eat Real Food. I go with the shake because it's tasty and it tides me over between the gym and when I'm finished cooking dinner.
If all fails just stick to meat And potatoes the diet isn't that hard just need to be discipline
try peanut Butter, homemade hamburgers, you would think that these are bad but they arent really, and should boost those calories easily.
diet isn't that hard just need to be discipline

Key word: discipline. Like most that have been having a hard time w tuning in diets, I.recommend 3j. He's done for me in 5 weeks what I've been trying to do for almost two years. However, discipline will 'always' be key to success.