Has anybody tried Primobol Dex?


Lifter of weights
So i recently got my hands on two bottles of GK prohormones primobol dex by needtobuildmuscle and im thinking of starting a 5 week cycle to recomp for the warmer weather. Im new to the prohormone world but Just wondering if anybody has any expierience with this product and what you guys thought of it. Its rather new so theres not alot that I can find by browsing forums and the stuff I find is all rave reviews but... too many of the people boosting this stuff are associated with n2bm. Any input would be greatly appreciated

Dosing is 2 caps per day and the label is as follows (per capsul)
Trenavar- 20mg
Methyldiazirninol- 20mg
Epistane- 20mg
TUDCA- 100mg

My stats
5' 6"
11% BF
22 Years old
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The prohormones have not been tested enough, the side effects are unknown, so I would avoid products like that.
At 22 years old you should focus on dieting, quality sleep and correct training.
Forget about steroids & prohormones.
See the thing is ive been working out for 5 years and going hard for 3 and a half. I started off being 130lbs and same hight and ive gained almost 40lbs of lean muscle since I started. I hit a plateau and am trying to get past it, ive revamped my workouts and kept the diet 100% but im at a stand still, do you have any suggestions on how I could push through this?? Also which is the lesser of two evils at my age or even at 30 aas or ph's? I know aas is way better in terms of results but which has more risk attached to it? Thanks in advance, you guys here on ology have been super helpful in the past. Much appreciated
I wouldn't run those for longer then 6 weeks.

I'm not a fan of crazy weird stacks, much more of a pick your goal and choose a compound to run with it.

IE in that product

40mg of Epi is a low/medium dose
40mg of Methyldiazirinol is a low/medium dose
40mg of Trendione is a very low dose

Epi and Methyldiazirinol are both methyl, stacking two methyl compounds isn't really suggested, especially for first time users. All 3 compounds are considered dry which may negatively effect your joints while on, typically people run a dry with a wet to keep a balance.

There is currently only 1 company I trust to have legit pure Methyl Diazirinol which is Iron Legion who actually brought it to the market, the molecule will degrade extremely fast with light exposure, so the handling of it from source to bottling is a very sensitive process.

For a first time user, just about everyone will suggest Halo it's mild but it works well to get your feet wet.
I wouldn't run those for longer then 6 weeks.

I'm not a fan of crazy weird stacks, much more of a pick your goal and choose a compound to run with it.

IE in that product

40mg of Epi is a low/medium dose
40mg of Methyldiazirinol is a low/medium dose
40mg of Trendione is a very low dose

Epi and Methyldiazirinol are both methyl, stacking two methyl compounds isn't really suggested, especially for first time users. All 3 compounds are considered dry which may negatively effect your joints while on, typically people run a dry with a wet to keep a balance.

There is currently only 1 company I trust to have legit pure Methyl Diazirinol which is Iron Legion who actually brought it to the market, the molecule will degrade extremely fast with light exposure, so the handling of it from source to bottling is a very sensitive process.

For a first time user, just about everyone will suggest Halo it's mild but it works well to get your feet wet.

My mistake on the 8 weeks I dont know what I was thinking when I wrote that I had ment to say 5. Im going to check out halo and maybe give it a go, thanks for the suggestion bro. Have you used halo yourself?
My mistake on the 8 weeks I dont know what I was thinking when I wrote that I had ment to say 5. Im going to check out halo and maybe give it a go, thanks for the suggestion bro. Have you used halo yourself?

I have not used halo, being that when i started using hormonal products I was already fairly big so I went to harsher compounds.
So i recently got my hands on two bottles of GK prohormones primobol dex by needtobuildmuscle and im thinking of starting an 8 week cycle to recomp for the warmer weather. Im new to the prohormone world but Just wondering if anybody has any expierience with this product and what you guys thought of it. Its rather new so theres not alot that I can find by browsing forums and the stuff I find is all rave reviews but... too many of the people boosting this stuff are associated with n2bm. Any input would be greatly appreciated

Dosing is 2 caps per day and the label is as follows (per capsul)
Trenavar- 20mg
Methyldiazirninol- 20mg
Epistane- 20mg
TUDCA- 100mg

My stats
5' 6"
11% BF
22 Years old

Unlike anyone else here, I used it.

I was on some tes but u could tell the ph was doing the work. The 4.5wks on we're good, strength gains and no bloat. Like it, would use again in 5months after I give it a rest for a while.

Make sure to use an AI while on and an AI for pct.
Unlike anyone else here, I used it.

I was on some tes but u could tell the ph was doing the work. The 4.5wks on we're good, strength gains and no bloat. Like it, would use again in 5months after I give it a rest for a while.

Make sure to use an AI while on and an AI for pct.

That sounds like the kind of ph I need! Thanks man i have adex for an AI and will be running hcgenerate as well as NAC for liver support. I also have a bottle of Sarms1 S4 I might throw in, im a bit unsure though cause of the vision sides, ill decide once my hella arrives I guess.
That sounds like the kind of ph I need! Thanks man i have adex for an AI and will be running hcgenerate as well as NAC for liver support. I also have a bottle of Sarms1 S4 I might throw in, im a bit unsure though cause of the vision sides, ill decide once my hella arrives I guess.

I think he was talking about Primobol Dex, not Halo.

I wouldn't suggest an AI on cycle unless estrogen sides arise or your taking something that can turn into estrogen. No compounds in primobol dex or halo can turn into estrogen, taking an AI regularly will completely deplete you of estrogen which will leave you with low estrogen sides which are bad as well, post cycle it may be needed if there is an influx of the aromatase enzyme causing high estrogen conversion with return of natural androgen production. I would get an all around cycle support not just NAC for liver support, you to remember steroids effect blood pressure, lipids, liver values.

There is no point to run Hcgenerate or any test booster on cycle, your nuts are going to stop working, nothing you take is going to prevent that. Just to further clarify the whole HCgenerate thing, people on hormone replacement therapy use actual Human Chorionic Gonadotropin while on because it mimic's luteinizing hormone to stimulate the leydig cells of the testis to help reduce atrophy, test boosters do not that that, for the most part all test boosters do is effect aromatase and probably shbg to show an increase in test, but not directly effecting your HPTA causing an actual increase in output of test from your testis.

With as green as you are I wouldn't be throwing in Sarms on your first cycle, and i'm not personally a fan of S4 anyway for some of the negative side effects, haven't looked into LGD enough to say anything, Ostarine is cool but it's mild and will be overshadowed by just about any ph/ds.
I think he was talking about Primobol Dex, not Halo.

I wouldn't suggest an AI on cycle unless estrogen sides arise or your taking something that can turn into estrogen. No compounds in primobol dex or halo can turn into estrogen, taking an AI regularly will completely deplete you of estrogen which will leave you with low estrogen sides which are bad as well, post cycle it may be needed if there is an influx of the aromatase enzyme causing high estrogen conversion with return of natural androgen production. I would get an all around cycle support not just NAC for liver support, you to remember steroids effect blood pressure, lipids, liver values.

There is no point to run Hcgenerate or any test booster on cycle, your nuts are going to stop working, nothing you take is going to prevent that. Just to further clarify the whole HCgenerate thing, people on hormone replacement therapy use actual Human Chorionic Gonadotropin while on because it mimic's luteinizing hormone to stimulate the leydig cells of the testis to help reduce atrophy, test boosters do not that that, for the most part all test boosters do is effect aromatase and probably shbg to show an increase in test, but not directly effecting your HPTA causing an actual increase in output of test from your testis.

With as green as you are I wouldn't be throwing in Sarms on your first cycle, and i'm not personally a fan of S4 anyway for some of the negative side effects, haven't looked into LGD enough to say anything, Ostarine is cool but it's mild and will be overshadowed by just about any ph/ds.

Oh hah my mistake. I sent the primobol dex back this morning and ordered a bottle of hella instead along with some n2guard, seems hella is loved by pretty much everybody as far as ive read so thanks for that suggestion. As far as the HCGenerate goes I had it on hand so I was just gonna throw it in there but if it doesn't do anything ill leave it out. One more thing though, would clomid and nolva be the best choice for a pct? I got a bottle of each kickin around. Your right im pretty new to this so I might just give myself some time and do more research so im fully prepared when the time comes
I was taking about primobolan dex.

Regardless of the compounds or single compound, I think ur a tard not using an AI with any cycle.

Controlling estrogen is huge and way more important that some realize.

U don't need a big dose, just enough to control or hold it.

Send back the hella and keep the primo man. Or that's what"d I'd do.
I was taking about primobolan dex.

Regardless of the compounds or single compound, I think ur a tard not using an AI with any cycle.

Controlling estrogen is huge and way more important that some realize.

U don't need a big dose, just enough to control or hold it.

Send back the hella and keep the primo man. Or that's what"d I'd do.

Something like .5mg E3D or something for the adex hey? Ill give it some time and do more research and make my decision.
I was taking about primobolan dex.

Regardless of the compounds or single compound, I think ur a tard not using an AI with any cycle.

Controlling estrogen is huge and way more important that some realize.

U don't need a big dose, just enough to control or hold it.

Send back the hella and keep the primo man. Or that's what"d I'd do.

Did you gain any mass on the primobol or was it mostly strength? Also how was the vascularity and definition?
I was taking about primobolan dex.

Regardless of the compounds or single compound, I think ur a tard not using an AI with any cycle.

Controlling estrogen is huge and way more important that some realize.

U don't need a big dose, just enough to control or hold it.

Send back the hella and keep the primo man. Or that's what"d I'd do.

Ok Estrogen plays vital roles in BMD, some libido support. If you are taking an AI without something that can turn into estrogen all your going to do it prevent the trace amounts of adrenal DHEA in your body from converting to estrogen that is needed to maintain homeostasis. Is is good to have an AI on hand during a cycle with something that cannot aromatise yes just in case you get in influx of estrogen, should you be dosing it throughout the cycle no that is a terrible idea.
Unlike anyone else here, I used it.

I was on some tes but u could tell the ph was doing the work. The 4.5wks on we're good, strength gains and no bloat. Like it, would use again in 5months after I give it a rest for a while.

Make sure to use an AI while on and an AI for pct.

Def a killer combo of PH's in primobol dex. I would expect some good results with it.
I was taking about primobolan dex.

Regardless of the compounds or single compound, I think ur a tard not using an AI with any cycle.

Controlling estrogen is huge and way more important that some realize.

U don't need a big dose, just enough to control or hold it.

Send back the hella and keep the primo man. Or that's what"d I'd do.

Ive got a few questions about the primobol if you wouldnt mind. What dosage did you run and for how long? How was the shutdown and recovery time? Major loss of libido or not bad? Did you run it on a cut or lean bulk? Your info would really help me out.
hey guys I don't wanna sound like complete retard but I need to make a new thread and have no idea , where it is located on this site , know is a bit random but would appreciate if someone could tell me how to make a new thread , thanks :)
hey guys I don't wanna sound like complete retard but I need to make a new thread and have no idea , where it is located on this site , know is a bit random but would appreciate if someone could tell me how to make a new thread , thanks :)

No probs man. Click the forum tab up at the top of the page then click whatever category your thread falls under, at the top of the page under one of the advertisement banners you should see a post new thread button. Hope that helps ya out
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Ive got a few questions about the primobol if you wouldnt mind. What dosage did you run and for how long? How was the shutdown and recovery time? Major loss of libido or not bad? Did you run it on a cut or lean bulk? Your info would really help me out.

I just ran it recently, but I only had one bottle and wanted to run each compound at higher doses so I tweaked it a bit (also not even close to my first cycle, so I wouldn't suggest this for a first timer). I had a bottle of Muscle Research Epi Strong and some t-var that I capped myself from raw powders. I started running the Epi at 60mg and T-var at 75mg for 2 weeks prior to starting the primo dex so that those compounds would be built up in my system by the time I started the primo dex. I then ran the P-dex for 30 days at 2 caps a day, with an additional 30mg of Epi and 60mg of T-var in addition to the 40/40/40 of the P-dex. My personal opinion was that it was okay, but I had better results running Epi and t-var (in separate compounds) at the same doses for 6 weeks in a prior run (now to be fair to the P-dex, running something for the second time doesn't always net as good of a return as the first, but I digress). Libido didn't take a hit, but body acne was OFF THE CHARTS!!!

Oh and I ran it as a lean bulk.
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