Has anyone used these?


New member
I was just searching around and i was really interested in Anator-p70 by muscletech and then Animal stack, has anyone tried these and like the results they have gotten from these? And if you have any other knowledge of these supplements can you please tell me, thanks in advance
TheQuietMan said:
Try FastTwitch by CytoSport,you won`t be dissappointed.

No offense but this sounds like a HUGE load of BULLSH*T

CytoSport Fast Twitch is a power workout drink designed to give users explosive strength performance and fuel fast twitch (type II) fibers. It helps to amplify nitric oxide levels for total body pumps, and to lower cortisol to help you protect lean muscle mass. Fast Twitch also has an endo-thermogenic effect which maximizes fat burning after your tough workouts. Awesome muscular explosiveness and size, formerly reserved for the genetically gifted, is the goal of Fast Twitch. Fast Twitch is the first formula specifically designed to fuel fast twitch (type II) muscle fibers for greater muscular power and gains. Fast Twitch helps increase post workout intensity, while enhancing muscular repair. The harder the workout, the more Fast Twitch can help. With Fast Twitch, you may run out of gym time before you run out muscle energy. Fueling type II fibers increases explosive power and speed. This translates into more sets, reps and weight lifted. Plus, type II fibers have greater potential for overall muscle hypertrophy (growth).

Fast Twitch enables muscles to produce more power, resulting in greater heat output. This heat production is endo-thermogenic. Increased body heat, plus enhanced oxygen consumption after hard workouts, boosts metabolism. This after-burn (from more intense workouts) burns more body fat than less intense workouts. Cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone, naturally rises after workouts. But excessive cortisol can destroy muscle and promote body fat. Fast Twitch uses patented SerinAid, proven to lower cortisol. Blunting cortisol promotes lean muscle gains, and belly fat loss.

Creatine GCC, first used in Muscle Milk, helps support the body's own creatine production. New Kre-Alkalyn further advances creatine technology. Together, they need no loading, and are pH balanced to deliver massive creatine results. Fast Twitch promotes internal S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) production, highly regarded for enhancing mood and joint support. SAMe, with other nutrients, help "get your mind right" for monster workouts. Nitric oxide amplifiers pump you up, and speed nutrients to hungry muscles.
I love Muscle Milk, never tried FastTwitch.

I have heard good things about the Animal Stak in the past, but I think that some of the ingredients were banned a while ago.
alot of muscle tech shit is just that...shit. HIgh priced shit. All marketing.
Go w/trueprotein and tried and true supplements such as creatine and stuff like that. Most of the other stuff is just a waiste of $$
I will try that

TxLonghorn said:
That could be lactose intolerance, try taking a lactaid next time and see if that helps.

CytoSport makes quality products.I was disappointed when my stomach couldn`t take the MuscleMilk.
Lactose intolerance is caused when your body's digestive tract doesn't produce the enzyme lactase, which is used to digest lactose (in milk). When lactase isn't present, the lactose is attracted to the walls of the stomach giving you a stomach ache and often diarhea. Some cases induces vomitting.
Equate makes "Lactaid Enzyme" pills which 120 caplets can be purchased at walmart for $6.

Back to your question Boss302Man...I've never tried Anator-p70, but I"ve never heard anything good about it. I have tried Animal Stak 2 and I really liked the results. It includes vitamins/minerals, heamodialator (arginine), estrogen blocker, and testosterone booster. I'm a big fan of the product and most Univeral supplements. In the grand scheme of things, I think you'd be more satisfied with taking animal stak 2.