Have broken leg....need advice!


New member
I'll start by giving a little background ifo on myself since I am pretty much a new member. :)

I was always very overweight growing up,well at least up until I was 20,that was two years ago.I got in the gym and busted my ass,lost 100lbs...went from 350lbs at 5'10 to around 250lbs,I have an extremely wide frame so it didn't really look like I was fat,I wasn't shredded either though,I still had love handle,my arm measurements went from a flabby 18" to a firm 20.5 inch,waist from 52 to 38.I felt confidence for the first time in my life,I went out,did the party thing,and had women all over me for the first time in my life.

Well all that came crashing down back in January when I was involved in a near fatal car wreck,I lived but broke the Tibia and fibula inmy right leg...to top it off the accident happened away from home while visiting family,so now I'm in another state with no friends,my parents were forced to move down here to Brunswick,GA from Florence,SC where I am originally from to help take care of me until I recover(I have no med. insurance so no docs would take me back home :(.

It has been five months siince the accident and I still can't put any weight on the leg,the first Dr. never set the bones properly,he put an external fixator on my leg with pins running to the bones,well he also sent me home from the hospital with no antibiotics,so I found out I had developed staph infection:rolleyes: ,great...welll yesterday was my last day of antibiotic treatment thank god,but I still have 2-3 months before being able to place any weight on my leg...I have already began balooning back up..now at 280lbs,would be more had it not been for all the muscle I built before burning fat while I've been down.

Last year I did a 8 week cycle using Testosterona 200 & Dbol and had amazing gains,and burned a lot of fat(and my diet was horrible,I probably only ate once a day,lunch.lol)that was when I lost most of my weight,probably about 60 lbs...that was working out five days a week and very little cardio.

Sorry for this long post...I am just very depressed and desperate...I look in the mirror now and a double chin is now forming,all that hard work is going to waste lol.I have cleaned up my diet now,I am taking in a lot of protein,I drink at least four shakes a day at 40 grams of protein and eat a lot of tuna lol,so my diet is much improved,I just started last Mon....I also try and work out,I bought a home type gym that sits upright so I can at least get lat pull downs and bench press,also I have dumbells so I'm able to work my arms & shoulders too.I can only work my upper body obviously,my major concern is the fact that I'm not able to be as active as before,so thus not burning as many calories daily just from doing normal things such as walking in walmart lol.The surgeon is telling me I still have about a year before full recovery...

I'm seriously thinking about another cycle,though with me being away from home I wouldn't even know where to buy anything from lol,I bought some M1T and am gonna try that first,I just need a little extra surge to help out...I'm also considering buying some Lipo-6 and vasopro Ephedrine to help assist with the fat burning,is that a good combo of ingredients?I used to take Xenadrine with ephedra and had good results from that when I first started working out seriously.

Sorry for this post,but I need some advice on what you'd do,what works & what doesn't,what products you've tried,anything that has helped you I'm willing to try...finances are tight,but I can't gain all that weight back.

Thanks for any advice

Also...before I start that M1T cycle I have heard that I will need to use a post cycle therapy (pct) such as Novaldex...with me being w=away from home I have no idea where to get this from...after my cycle I used Clomid,bought from the same guy I got the dbol and testosterona from...I know there are places online,but don't know any legit ones...

Hopenewk@aol.com for answers,please??
I would keep the diet strictly clean, and workout without any cycle for a while if i were you. I'd wait until your leg is 100%, and youve been back in training mode for a while. Keep it clean, workout hard, youll see good results.
I agree with you...but what about the M1T?I was thinking about using it,I allready ordered it,it came in yesterday.From what I've heard it will probably give me that extra push I need.

Thanks for the help,bro...I appreciate,man.This is the roughest time in my life. :(
I agree about now,but before I had great gains and no sides.I know I probably shouldn't have before but I was stubborn and luckily came out without any damage that I know of and nice gains.
I too had a crazy crash April 26th of last year. I broke basically everything from the waist down. Both femur's, tibia, fibula, ankles, and some toes. Had to have 3 knee surgery, and I bit my tongue off.

I was in ICU for about 4 weeks then moved to a room for 3. The only reason I am posting this is cause I took know what it is like. I went from 178 at 11-12%bf to being 188 at almost 28%. I just laid around and lost all my muscle and ate. I watched what I ate, but not good enough. I had broken my legs before, but not both so I was still able to stay active.

Its been a year and some odd days and I still have most all the parts they put in me and have been in the gym since day 1 of physical therapy. My best advice to you is to stay natural. And what medicines do they have you on right now...if any?

Just to add, I was left in a bed for almost 2 months before ever hitting a wheel chair...then I was left in that for another month or so. Rough time for sure. I hated having someone else clean up my shit, piss, and feed me.

I would keep it natural until you have healed 110% and then consider it. If you push yourself too hard, you will only set yourself back further than you started with. I wish you the best and if you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to PM or email me as I do not check the board that often.
Thanks for the advice man,sorry to hear about your accident...good that you are doin better though.I'm currently on pain mades only hydrocodone 10/650.

I was on antibiotifc treatment for the last eight weeks to try and clear up the staph infection,but I finished those tuesday.

thanks again,bro.

I guess I'll just take it piece by piece and see how things go.:)
your determined and i like that, but are you dedicated and did you hate being that fat kid bad enough to do all your capable of to not become even fater than you use to be watch your diet you have to be dedicated supplements probably shouldnt be your main priority right now but there wouldnt be any harm in NO2 pick it up at gnc

best of luck pal
NO2 is crap. Overpriced and all it is, is L-Arginine with a citrate to balance out the PH levels in your stomach, you can combat that by drinking orange juice. L-Arginine is like $15 for 100 capsules.
RussianOutlaw said:
your determined and i like that, but are you dedicated and did you hate being that fat kid bad enough to do all your capable of to not become even fater than you use to be watch your diet you have to be dedicated supplements probably shouldnt be your main priority right now but there wouldnt be any harm in NO2 pick it up at gnc

best of luck pal
Thanks bro...originally I started bodybuilding ONLY because I was fat...Now I got the BB bug,that's all I think about now lol.Love it,it really is the major part of my life.

Also went to the Doctor yesterday,the bone hasn't even begun callousing yet,no mend whatsoever from a month ago,so I definitely wanna go safe lol.It's better to be able to walk again for now,I have a decent diet plan like I said I started last Monday and I'm starting to see results now from that and working out my upperbody...shouldn't take too long,I still have a considerable amount of muscle left,just now I've got a considerable amount of fat to go with it lol. :)

So for now I'll just continue to hop over to weight machine on my walker and eat better and then once I recover then I guess it will be ON again.;)

I wanna try clenbuterol so bad though lol...I'm so damn stubborn,but I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize myself right now.

Thakns for all the help,fellows...I appreciate it.
NO2 creates small amounts of nitric oxide in the muscles Nitric oxide is the muscle“cell-signaling” molecule responsible for blood flow (hemodilation), oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity, and muscle growth 40 bucks for 200 caps not bad and there arent any sides im not saying NO2 compares to any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) b/c it doesnt but with diet,hard work and dedication it can give you noticable gains.
if all youre worried about is getting fat, then fuck any drugs just eat healthy and do your workouts, none of this 1 meal a day crap. and i bet you anything that 1 meal was very fattening.
5'10 250 lbs sounds extremely large to me. you should have a pretty fast metabolism. it wouldnt be hard to lose fat at all
My metabolism is slow as fuck,that's the prob...I am eating healthy now,every three hours high protein low carb,a can of tuna and protein shakes,shit like that...I have never been into junk food
.I'm not as fat as 250lbs sound,I am extremely wide shouldered,large framed so the weight actually doesn't look bad,just in my mind I can fuckin stand it.When I was able to work out 240 was starting to show abs after my Testosterona cycle.
I woulda like to see what results the N02 gave him,but that's when we started our cycle so It was kinda hard to gauge the No2 by itself.
RobbieH02879 said:
I woulda like to see what results the N02 gave him,but that's when we started our cycle so It was kinda hard to gauge the No2 by itself.

i tried no2 when it first came out and did not feel anything different...
it didnt help my energie in the gym, or gains whatsoever.

its a complete waste of money IMO