hcg 125 mcg's ?/everyday


New member
And I ment IU's ....Why wouldnt this be a "better" alterantive for recovering... then the 250+ every few days
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I think most people Don't respond to less than 250. I know I had to increase to 500iu injects to get a result. Just a thought. But I do see your theory.
Ok bro so after some more research, I have found that some people do take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the way you mentioned basically I think what it comes down to is response from person to person. I would say that you would have to try it and see if it works for you. Another good source is chip in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum. I didn't respond at 250 so I raised it to 500 and it worked well but we are all different, but it is a good thought on how to use it effectively. Good luck.
a doctor told me to shoot 8 shots of 2500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) EOD.. and that would be plenty followed by 20mg colmid for 45 days and novod twice a day 12 hours apart at 20mg daily for 45 days as well
WhiteHulk. Was that recommendation at the end of a cycle. During a cycle that is to high of a dose but at the end of a cycle that dose sound appropriate. I think the OP was asking about on cycle/trt use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and using 125 ed as opposed to 250 x 2 a week.
ive done 10 courses of sus and deca without any form of post cycle therapy (pct) or hcg! i know im an idiot! my balls have reduced BIGTIME how much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would u recomend? im gettin it tnite and not sure how much to take to get them back to normal?
Topcat it depends on if you are on a cycle still or not but if pct I would do 3000iu then wait three days and do 500iu a day with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for three weeks then finsh with serms. If on cycle you could do 2000iu then wait three days and do 500iu every three days but don't expect them to come back all the way. A shut down like that is hard to come back from. 10 x no pct is crazy. I did a couple no pct and was fine but I use hcg,aromisin, and torem with every cycle now and no problems. Good luck bro and search Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to see what some others say because if u were shut down hard and long time Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may be needed in higher doses.