It really depends on the cycle... the 500iu a day thing would work just fine... I also like to start my HCG with my last shot of test... (if I am doing Cyp/Enth/Sust) -- I will do 1000iu and then 500iu every 3 days or so... until I get to the last 1000iu and then I'll take it all at once... that should give me around 18 days... and my test should be done in my system...
This gets rid of the conflict between HCG and any clomid/nolva -- and after the shots of HCG... I'm ready to start my post-nolva therapy -- yeah, I use Nolva... not Clomid... never was fan... By doing it this way, I never have a DOWN period and can keep my test levels at least to a natural level.