HCG, Needed?


New member
Hey Bros - Have looked for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in Mexico but no one seems to carry it. Plan to do 8 weeks of deca and 12 weeks of enanthate. Moderate dosage. Any problems running the cycle WITHOUT HCG? Would it be dumb to run cycle without HCG?

If Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is needed, why doesn't anyone have in Mexico? Best way to find it?
Especially for a 12 week cycle, hCG isn't essentially. Or at least it isn't for the vast majority of people.
mranak said:
Especially for a 12 week cycle, hCG isn't essentially. Or at least it isn't for the vast majority of people.

I agree with this, although I prefer to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with every cycle.

Another thing I noticed, you are only running deca for 8 weeks. Any reason behind this. I'd run it for at least 10 weeks, with it being better to run it for 12.
Sorry, typo. Doin deca 10 weeks and enanthate 12. Have had gear for a month but haven't started cycle cuz no one south of the border can get their hands on it. I got the impression I'd be wasting my time and effort running a new cycle without including HCG....or so I gathered from StoneCold and others. But now I'm hearing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isn't really needed for 10 weeks of deca and 12 weeks of enanthate??? I don't know what to do.
Well, running it will definitely help you with recovery, avoiding testicular atrophy, etc. This is especially true with nandrolone as it is extremely suppressive. Now, would I recommend that you use it? Absolutely. Are there plenty of guys out there that don't use it and say they recover fine. Yes.

Ultimately the decision is yours.
do a search with google and you will find some. Not sure about the USA but in Canada it is not hard to get a prescritpion from the doc for this stuff.
i think its good to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) especially if you are on long cycles like 12-15weeks