HCG question


New member
so i was planning on starting my first injectable cycle around christmas time of this year and was wondering if i can get some advice

i plan on doing 500mg of test e for 12 weeks with arimidex eod at .25 and running a clomid/nolva post cycle therapy (pct)

my question is basically this...is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a must on this cycle?....i understand my balls be pretty tiny for a little while if don't use it...but right now it is just sort of expensive for me
if money is an issue you shouldn't be messing with AAS really bud... no dick intended.

You could get some extra clomid and use that on cycle to keep them puppies full but Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isn't very expensive man... neither is plain old test.
it may not seem like much....but for a student driving to and from school an hour each way that money makes a difference....and like i said if it is indeed a must i will buy it....if not i'd prefer to have small balls for a little while and save my money
also another will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ake an injection anymore painful or lead to additional soreness other than what would be expected of the test
also another will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ake an injection anymore painful or lead to additional soreness other than what would be expected of the test

No Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is done with an insulin needle. Slin pin. and is injected subQ into the abs.
Using clomid while on cycle will not keep the testes from shrinking. The HPTA will still get shutdown, which means no LH is produced, not testosterone produced, and as a result the testicles will shrink. I read that while researching and I also experienced it personally. I was on clomid for 2 years before my cycle and decided to keep using it through my cycle to see if my HPTA really got shutdown. It did and it got shutdown hard, my LH was 0.1 compared to over 14 when I was just running clomid. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) acts like LH and will cause the leydig cells to respond and produce testosterone while on cycle, this is why Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will help keep them full. Too much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will desensitize them.

HCG is pretty cheap, especially when compared to the cost of testosterone. Taking 500 iu twice a week and you can get by with three 5,000 iu vials. Also you don't have to run it the full cycle. You can get away with using it a few weeks before the cycle ends all the way up to when post cycle therapy (pct) starts. One vial is all you would need. Of course shipping would cost more than the vial so you would be better off buying multiple.
Nothing is a "must", you could get away without using it but you won't have as good of results at keeping what you gained. Your natural T production won't come back as quickly. As stated above, it's priced pretty low so I would just spend the extra $.