
it mimics LH in the testes. So basically when you use exogenous test your testes stop producing test at a "normal" level. HCG essentially, as frustrated stated, keeps your nuts from shrinking. Also helps with fertility.
and has nothing to do with weight loss. biggest scam in fitness today. Most of the HCG used in those diets has all the active hormone removed anyways. You lose weight because you eat 500 calories a day.
Glad I made your day

Yea that's the first time I've heard HCG refered that way in here. I was responding to your post via iPhone, sorry for the short response. Sometimes it comes across as cocky, and that was not my intent.

If your looking to get into shape, tons of guys have had a lot of luck with 3J.
lol.. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet is a fad starvation diet.. DO NOT DO IT!!!!
there is no doubt Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a very beneficial diet for shaping the body in healthy and muscle shape. I have also used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet and got a lot of benefits.
My WF lost 40 lbs using the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) drops. It basically helps with hunger/fat burning, but nothing hormone-wise. It's different stuff for us TRTers.