My BP is 96/58. 100 pul/min. Before cycle, my BP is 100/60 and 60 pul/min. Should i be concerned?
how much weight did you put on ? were you running an AI the whole time ?.. an increase in resting heart rate is normal when there is a rapid increase in body weight,, it should normalize once your body gets used to the new weight.
also, an increase in resting heart rate is a sign/side effect of over training.
5 lbs. No AI. My estradiol was 23. I can hear my heart man.
5 lbs is not very much to warrant that much increase in resting heart rate.
are you consuming alcohol, caffeine, or work out stimulants with this cycle ?
I went to hospital. And they say you are fine. But man, i will stop testosterone. This testosterone is not for me, i understand.When did you take this BP/HR reading? First thing on waking up? After exercise?
Or guys, what should I do? F**k sustanon. I will never use again. Maybe my HCT is high? Help me please. Why my heart rate sometimes rising?
You sound panicky. Maybe you have anxiety, panic or hypochondria issues? Not being snarky here, I mean it.
It's not worth it if you lose your peace of mind. Consider coming off, PCT, etc. and reevaluate.
I couldnt agree more with Teutonic, definitely anxiety and in your head. I get white coat syndrome no matter if at doctors or hospital and my BP rises as does pulse, now add anxiety on top of that.
Bloody Q, no bashing but your mind set and panic mode is not a good scenario for someone who wants to run AAS. As stated previously reevaluate and get off safely and stick to nutrition and training hard.
Bloody Q -- to put it in perspective,, remember that testosterone is NATURAL to the body, you've had it in your body and been producing it ever since your balls dropped.. your not injecting something totally foreign or some chemical into your body, like heroin,, its testosterone, your body has been used to it for however long you've been alive. nothing to panic about here