HDV first test e (Nomaviron) cycle with info


New member
Hey Gents hope you are all well.

So after some good research and preparing finally finished my first cycle of test E.

Here below I am going to outline some stuff from experience with the cycle and give you as much info as well.

Products used: 11 week cycle

Nomaviron (this is a blend of 250mg test e and 50mg test prop) 2 pins per week 300mg each total 600mg
Proviron at 50mg every day
Arimidex every second day at 0.5mg
HCG during cycle 3 weeks on 1 week off at 250iu x 2 per week total 500iu per week

After last test shot ten day blast with HCG at 500iu every day.

post cycle therapy (pct): 4 weeks
Nolvadex 20mg everyday through with clomid
Clomid 50/50/25/25

stats at time of starting:

Height:1.62 meters I am by no means tall lol

Weight: 60kgs

Stats at time of cycle finish: 11 weeks

Weight: 72.4kgs

All measurements taken on waking up. To be fair I had started with 3J a few weeks before I started cycle and weight went from around 61kgs to 63kgs before first pin. First 4 weeks no real size change but strength begun to rise. By week 5 I started to notice slight body changes. From week 8 was where I really noticed a complete difference in body structure you can definately see the difference in size from photos first taken before cycle start and by week 8 you can easily see the added mass.

What impressed me the most was my back growth, I watched a training movie on back from animal.com and got some ideas which really helped with training. Legs was a good improvement for me as well thighs have growth nicely and calves have become more full. Leg press amazed me where I usually did around 220kgs I managed 340kgs just last week Friday.Chest and shoulders have suddenly grown and once again strength has spiked now so impressive weight increases in lifting. Added around 30kgs to bench to benching 90kgs without struggle and correct form.

No sides excluding acne. Unfortunately I am one of those that are prone to it because sebum production is too much this is the oil that the skin produces. I gotta warn ya this really fucked up my skin. Acne began to get worse as I went through cycle. By week eight Had acne on my back, chest and shoulders. No Gyno sides. As far as nuts shrinking HCG helped here and noticed serious spikes in wanting to jump everything possible with a heart beat.

Acne is still rather bad even after cycle and through post cycle therapy (pct) which is what I am currently going through now. Guys take it from me the acne is bad but if you can deal with it then at least you will know what to expect but remember everyones body reacts differently. Doc however is gonna sort that out by putting me on what they call a pulse treatment of a product called riacuttane. You overseas know it as accutane. This will be done under her supervision and she knows about the aas because she even monitered me through cycle.

Strength is still well up there even now but the past 2 weeks been hit with some bad flus as it's towards end of winter here. This has messed up appetite as the first week I threw up everything I ate because of a stupid stomach flu. Weight however has not dropped below 71kgs and with eating correctly after cycle as well is just as inportant to keep gains made while on cycle.

post cycle therapy (pct) will end now end of August and from there will cut with 3J's advice on diet. Guys as many of you know but for those that don't You can ask 3J how difficult my body is with recomposition. It's been a challenge to get weight up and keep it there. Diet is probably the most important spend that little bit extra and have a word with 3J he will definately get you eating the way you need to and has been a great help through my cycle!!!

I will be glad to answer any questions you guys might have. Sorry for the long read but I thhought this would be a nice post with some good info from my experience.

Thanks brothers
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