Healthy Bodybuilding with HGH and supps /w 0 sides


National Champion
Hello everyone,
History : I am 25yo , around 8 cycles under belt , 2 contest preps (Classic BB ) , 1 gold medal.
STATS : 1.90cm / 231lbs (contest weight 212lbs after dieuretics) . Atm BF is ~ 15%. Mesomorph with an incline towards Endo.
I have experimented with various AAS compounds , some among the mildest and some among the harsh ones (TestXX,EQ,Win, Dbol,Tbol,Anavar,MasteProp,Tren Ace). Dosages have always been at bay and reached their maximum during Contest Prep at no more than 1.3Gram as a total Per week. Other than contest prep ,dosages remained very reasonable at around 300-400 Mg for each compound with no more than 3 compounds at the same time .
When I started experimenting , I was under a whole different mindset , I wanted to go all in and look like a marble. Nowadays I am a business man , and a Master degree student, I want to have kids and live an intoxicating life. So , there are some factors that convinced me against underground AAS and in favor of alternative form of bodybuilding.
1- Unknown Substance origin and structure ( Anavar or win or eq or pretty much anything bought underground cannot be reliable , as far as I know most AAS out there is Test in disguise and nothing more , and that if your lucky and its not aspirin pills or worse)
2- Unknown side effects : Substances are unknown and manufactured under unknown circumstances ( I don’t need to be more detailed about that)
3- Vast hormonal imbalances : We all know this can lead oneway only. Testicular atrophy or erectile dysfunction or both, weak sperm count and quality , loaned Test instead of our Own.
4- Estrogen sensitivity – For me (gyno sensitive) , every AAs Cycle means a considerable expense for AntiEstrogens > Letro/femara/Adex/Dostinex/Nolva and so on.
5- The AAS RAGE is real whether you believe it or not. I CBA fighting with colleagues at work or noob drivers at the street or smashing Glass windows with my fists when im mad.
I could literally find 100 more reasons to diss the available AAS nowadays , and 1000 more reasons to save some life into you guys that experiment aswell.

Now don’t be hasty to think im a Tibetan monk convinced to live as an ethereal being.I Still want my gains!
GOAL: 6-7% bodyfat , weight around 215.
GUNS: The armory I will use to make this happen , does NOT include AAS. I plan to pursue that goal with the healthiest possible means and the less possible health sacrifice. I am heavily considering Pharma Grade HGH , Liquid Amino 3Xday , Whey protein powder and ECA.(the most extreme stage would be a mild androgen like Tbol or Anavar or just Test base , in order to magnify the effects of HGH).
DIET : Macros are ~~ 300 gr of Protein / 300gr Carbs / Rest is healthy fats. MEALS#7-8
Out of 300 gr of protein only 50 grams is powder.
Carbs consist of Oat , Rice and 2X bananas mostly.
Fats > Olive oil /almonds

7.30 Morning
20-25’ FASTED CARDIO session while walking dog at fast jogging pace.

21.30 Night
1HR of Hardcore weight session
Training philosophy would be pyramid-style, implementing both maximum weight reps at 4-6 reprange (to stimulate hypertrophy and hgh spike) as well as light weight super sets to burn more cals ,define muscles and promote vasodilation. Due to work i am not able to workout more than 4 days a week , but i can do cardio every day regardless.
About HGH:
I plan on getting my hands on some PFIZER Genotropin Pharmaceutical HGH . It is costly of course , at least I know what it contains and that this is the real thing.
Dosage range 2-3 IU of Authentic HGH administered probably right before morning cardio on a 5on/2off pattern.
What I expect : Now I can not commit to 6 month supply of such an expensive form of HGH , this means I am after SERIOUS results within 3 months. I do not expect HGH to do ABRAcadabra stuff at such low dose , although it will be 100% authentic and im a virgin to the substance , but at least I expect to experience much improved sleep, trauma aid for my arm scar , resolved muscle nerve related back pain, speed up recovery from training ,tighter and thinner skin, potent fat loss , increased muscle hardness , some new muscle tissue gains and increased vascularity. I believe my Training/Diet/Schedule would contribute to this result.

How does this plan look like to you guys , and what suggestions or changes would you recommend ?
*We are talking about healthy and smart bodybuilding. Thank you so much for your input.
I think it looks pretty awesome.

I don't share your dark view on UGL compounds, I think there are some reputable sources out there and I'm not really worried about getting fake test, deca, or boldenone. Things like anavar and primo yes that would worry me, but I don't use them.

I've got one question about your diet and routine, what do your blood tests show for kidney function? I know another natural body builder eating that much protein that had really bad kidney values.

If you had it up there I missed it, what HGH dosage are you planning?
I appreciate your post mate
The thing is that even reputable Compounds have serious sides over time , I will agree nevertheless that legit AAS are much safer than the fake ones . The hormonal imbalance , hair loss , and most importantly the decline of Sperm production along with tremendous strain on our liver and kidneys , should count as enough reasons for all of us to quit roids . And do not get me wrong I am no saint, I***8217;ve done my sins .
Regarding your question about my routine , during my 1st competition ( Avatar pic was taken that day I won the gold) , I was natural 100% and my only aid was Clenbuterol . My protein consumption per day was 410 grams of protein (75 grams out of scoop) , and Clen was ramped up up to 140Mcg. Since I consumed no AAS at all during that period I did not take blood tests. Although later on after my first cycle, and the next and the next , never did my blood work show elevated figures @liver or kidney. I had to admit that if theres a special Enzyme I need to check for kidney , I must have missed it .
Regarding HGH dosage , I will scout my results with 2 IU daily 5/2 pattern , and if im not satisfied I plan to proceed up to 3 iu after 4 weeks .
I did a run of HGH, started at 2 then went up to 3 then 4. At 4 IU the numbness in my hands got so annoying that I had to back down to 3 IU.
you wont see much besides fat loss and better sleep etc in those 6 months at 2-3iu. yeah you will have a different look to your physique within about a month, but 3iu consistently for longer than 6 months, or a few cycles of 6+ months thats when you start changing your body forever. that is what theyre talking about when referring to "the magic happening"

20 months ago i started using pharma grade gh, 3iu ED. this lasted for 6 or 7 months. then a few months later i was doing again 3iu for around 2.5 months. and from march - august also 3iu, there were some 4iu weeks too. all of the growth used norditropin only. great stuff.

right now with a total of around 14 months of GH use i can easily tell you that just a few months ago i noticed what it was really doing to my body.

HGH makes everything grow technically so my muscle are definitely thicker and more mature looking than a 24 year old.

i have bad genetics when it comes to the sport, naturally. but GH changed me into one of those guys who can work out for a solid 3 months consistently and look amazing. it made me bigger overall.

you can tell when a guy uses growth with his juice because usually the guy who just takes gear will have that inflated look, not solid. GH makes you look like that muscle should be there and you were born with it; a really solid look.
you wont see much besides fat loss and better sleep etc in those 6 months at 2-3iu. yeah you will have a different look to your physique within about a month, but 3iu consistently for longer than 6 months, or a few cycles of 6+ months thats when you start changing your body forever. that is what theyre talking about when referring to "the magic happening"

20 months ago i started using pharma grade gh, 3iu ED. this lasted for 6 or 7 months. then a few months later i was doing again 3iu for around 2.5 months. and from march - august also 3iu, there were some 4iu weeks too. all of the growth used norditropin only. great stuff.

right now with a total of around 14 months of GH use i can easily tell you that just a few months ago i noticed what it was really doing to my body.

HGH makes everything grow technically so my muscle are definitely thicker and more mature looking than a 24 year old.

i have bad genetics when it comes to the sport, naturally. but GH changed me into one of those guys who can work out for a solid 3 months consistently and look amazing. it made me bigger overall.

you can tell when a guy uses growth with his juice because usually the guy who just takes gear will have that inflated look, not solid. GH makes you look like that muscle should be there and you were born with it; a really solid look.

Sounds like what i am after . Although there is no chance i can use the stuff for more than 4 mo during the cut. I have access @ Merck 24 Ui cardidges x18 pcs , and thats it . I am lucky to be able to find those .
Thank you for the input man.
Gill is on point hgh does give the muscle an over all mature shiny fuller bulk with a dry dilated veins, I have done hgh for many years, came off it just a couple years ago, however I started a couple of moth's ago sermorelin peptides works the same as hgh,
takes a about 1 week to feel a good sleep and pep, but in a moth a full effect, also the great sense feeling through out the day, like hgh sermorelin is a miracle burning fat even without working out.
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Gill is on point hgh does give the muscle an over all mature shiny fuller bulk with a dry dilated veins, I have done hgh for many years, came off it just a couple years ago, however I started a couple of moth's ago sermorelin peptides works the same as hgh,
takes a about 1 week to feel a good sleep and pep, but in a moth a full effect, also the great sense feeling through out the day, like hgh sermorelin is a miracle burning fat even without working out.
definitely going to try out some sermorelin after reading this. what dose of that would you say is as affective, fat loss and sleep wise, as about 3iu of growth?
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definitely going to try out some sermorelin after reading this. what dose of that would you say is as affective, fat loss and sleep wise, as about 3iu of growth?

for a month I was on sermorelin only, I would pin it at bedtime 2ius, Then my doc prescribed me a more potent sermorelin 15/6/3 a mix with of ghrp 6/3 with a much stronger effect..