Heavy vs. Light Workouts---GOOD READ!


Silverback... could you post more on this training method? If it is "the best" then I want to know about it.

This is why AST's Max-Ot is the best training method out there.
Lifting light is not gonna cut you up, and it is not gonna make you stronger bro. The only way you are gonna lean up by lifting alone is if you are circuit training or something
Very nice post, DRvee.........certainly brought on a lively discussion. There is a place for lighter workouts. It can almost be like a steroid bridge in the midst of a lifetime of heavy drug use. You won't gain anything, but you won't lose much either if done right.
I train heavy and fast. One body part a day, all compound movements and the basic power lifting exercises, every set to failure and out of the gym in 45 min. Try this for 30 years, and a month of light training will do you good every now and then. I need time for my aches and pains to go away, and a break from the intensity.
And, I enjoy checkin out the ass, catching a steam or whirlpool....stuff you can't do in the middle of a serious assault on the iron. You got to relax sometimes, if you plan to lift forever.
Sometimes I like to leave the weight room and go over to the "fitness center", get all the equipment sweaty, and not have a towel to wipe it off with. It really pisses the pencil necks off.
ironmaster said:
Sometimes I like to leave the weight room and go over to the "fitness center", get all the equipment sweaty, and not have a towel to wipe it off with. It really pisses the pencil necks off.
