Helladrol as a 1st cycle - Comments please!


New member
Hi guys.
I wanted to run this by you, to let me know if I'm on the right track here.
Not a know-it-all, seriously looking to learn, so bring on the feedback! :)

1-6 Helladrol - 50 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 100 / 100 (2*7 + 3*7 + 3*7 + 3*7 + 4*7 + 4*7) = 133 pills vs. 180 in the bottle
1-6 Forged Liver Support - 2 a day = 84 pills vs. 60 a bottle - 2 bottles
1-6 N2 guard - Dosage suggestions please!
1-6 Anti back pump solution suggestions please.
1-10 Forged Joint Repair - Dosage suggestions please!

7-10 Forged Post Cycle - 4 a day = 112 vs. 75 a bottle - 2 bottles
3-10 Forma Stanzol - 10 pumps a day = 490 pumps - HOW MANY BOTTLES?!?

That should pretty much do it, right?

As fart as nutrition goes, I'm gonna be guided by 3J, so that should be good.
If anyone is interested in how this is going to go, I could gladly keep a log for you guys.

Thanks in advance!
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guys this is a friend of mine.. take good care of him.. i am not well versed in pro hormones..

Hi guys.
I wanted to run this by you, to let me know if I'm on the right track here.
Not a know-it-all, seriously looking to learn, so bring on the feedback! :)

1-6 Helladrol - 50 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 100 / 100 (2*7 + 3*7 + 3*7 + 3*7 + 4*7 + 4*7) = 133 pills vs. 180 in the bottle
1-6 Forged Liver Support - 2 a day = 84 pills vs. 60 a bottle - 2 bottles
1-6 N2 guard - Dosage suggestions please!
1-6 Anti back pump solution suggestions please.
1-10 Forged Joint Repair - Dosage suggestions please!

7-10 Forged Post Cycle - 4 a day = 112 vs. 75 a bottle - 2 bottles
3-10 Forma Stanzol - 10 pumps a day = 490 pumps - HOW MANY BOTTLES?!?

That should pretty much do it, right?

As fart as nutrition goes, I'm gonna be guided by 3J, so that should be good.
If anyone is interested in how this is going to go, I could gladly keep a log for you guys.

Thanks in advance!

Id like you to keep a log, I will most def. be following along if you do. What are you goals? Stats? history with AAS?

My suggestions:

Run 100mg/ed for 6 weeks.
Drop the forged liver, n2guard has that covered.
1 Bottle of forma will work, 3 pumps in morning/3 at night

I have not used taurine but I have been suffering tremendously from back pumps, from the time I wake up til the time I go to bed I will randomly get pumps that are beyond painful. Been doing a lot of hardwood floors this month and Its a struggle to make it through the day. Most say 5g taurine pre-workout willl suffice.

I would personally add more into PCT, DAA is cheap and you can use it basically through the whole cycle and PCT to help promote natty test. Do not skimp on PCT because you are using a "PH" many PH are oral steroids that are legally sold. MR. Supps has a PCT stack that is $150 or so, for that price you could pick up an RX to run during PCT. Just my .02...that being said I purchased the PCT stack from mr supps. Ill be logging hcgenerate from N2BM so I will let you know how that goes
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As the thread title says, and my screen name implies, I have 0 experience with AAS.
This would be my first cycle ever.
Goals? Mass gain without BF gains... That's about it.

So you would run 100 mg a day all the way through?

What would you recommend for a dosage for N2guard?
MRsupps recommendation is 5 pumps twice a day. Curious why you would use less?

I read that you have bad back pumps. Mind if I ask why you aren't using Taurine then?!?
If you plan on starting, what brand / type where you gonna go with?

Please more detail on the PCT. Not sure I follow what you are trying to tell me.
I'm not planning on skimping. My health is worth a lot to me, so I'll spend what it takes to do it right!
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As the thread title says, and my screen name implies, I have 0 experience with AAS.
This would be my first cycle ever.
Goals? Mass gain without BF gains... That's about it.

So you would run 100 mg a day all the way through?

What would you recommend for a dosage for N2guard?
MRsupps recommendation is 5 pumps twice a day. Curious why you would use less?

I read that you have bad back pumps. Mind if I ask why you aren't using Taurine then?!?
If you plan on starting, what brand / type where you gonna go with?

Please more detail on the PCT. Not sure I follow what you are trying to tell me.
I'm not planning on skimping. My health is worth a lot to me, so I'll spend what it takes to do it right!

To be honest Im not sure why Im not using taurine...this is going to sound sick and twisted but as much as I hate the pumps...I love them? lol.

This was the first time Ive used helladrol, I wasnt happy with results until about week 4, and that was at 100mg a day, thats the main reason I would suggest 100mg. I just feel any less, the results would be that much less.

The n2guard Ive been taking 7 caps right before bed. Ive read a few places that taking it inconjuction with or too close to the orals hurts absorption of the compound.

Again the 3 pumps twice a day was a reccomendation by another member, I noticed better results using the tops of my feet for application area, and 3 pumps has been more than enough.

Diet will really be the deciding factor on how your cycle turns out, 3J will make sure its on point Im sure.

I didnt mean to say you were skimping on PCT by any means, to be honest I would talk to 3J and and setup a PCT that he'd be comfortable using after a test cycle etc.

The PCT I have planned out for mine has no RX but it consists of: hcgenerate, DAA, Forged Post Cycle, formestane.


I am logging hcgenerate for n2bm, so I am substituting Test Fusion...Rather than buying that stack you could also pick up some Clomid.

Clomid along with Forged Post Cycle would be fine, throw in some DAA throughout if you want. https://www.mrsupps.com/includes/Products/84/D-Aspartic+Acid+(270g)/
K, found some time to go over this.
Basically, instead of getting the Helladrol stack, it makes more sense to buy the post cycle stack and add the needed stuff.
Looks like this can be all purchased through 2 stores- N2BM and MRsupps.
Anyone have a coupon code for these?

Here's the shopping list:
N2guard - 2 bottles - 420 pills

Forged Joint Repair - 2 bottles - 120 pills
Helladrol - 1 bottle - 180 pills
Taurine (400g) - 1 bottle - 80 servings @ 5 g
Creatine (400g) - 1 bottle - 80 servings @ 5 g
Test Infusion - 1 bottle - 180 pills
Forma Stanzol - 1 bottle - ??? pumps
Premium Powders DAA Powder - 1 bottle - 90 servings 3g
Forged Post Cycle - 2 bottles - 150 pills

1-6 Helladrol - 75 / 75 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (3*7 *2 + 4*7 *4) = 154 pills
1-6 N2 guard - 7 pills at night (294 pills)
1-6 5g Taurine (42 servings)
1-10 Forged Joint Repair - Dosage suggestions please!
1-10 Creatine - 1 serving (70 servings)

7-10 Forged Post Cycle - 4 a day = 112 pills
3-10 Forma Stanzol - 6 - 10 pumps a day = 294 - 490 pumps - HOW MANY BOTTLES?!?
7-10 Test Infusion - 6 a day (126 pills)
7-12 Premium Powders DAA - 1 serving (42 servings)

That was a lot of freaking typing. haha
So, what's the word? :)
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They both just had big black friday sales, if you arent in a rush to order today Id give it til right after christmas. Wouldnt be suprised if they had sales again
With xmas being literally 2 days away, might as well...
Thoughts on the new plan? Upped the hella a little based on your recommendation.
I like it a lot better, Id still run 3 pumps twice a day of forma throughout the entire duration but to be honest thats because thats what I was recommended and have had good results that way. I believe there are a few logs/reviews of forma in the PH section that may help you decide whats best for you personally
I have run pro hormones a couple times in the past. They cost as much or more than AAS and results were very slight. Also, that's a lot of pills for your liver to process. Personally, I doubt I will ever run them again. Really IMHO it was a net loss when you consider cost vs gain.
Why? When a testosterone only cycle will do more, cost less and not run through my liver?
Is there a reason you are not going with injectables?
Either way, it's up to you and I wish you the best.
I'm a pussy when it comes to needles and I don't want to do anything illegal...
That's pretty much it.

That being said, I'm in Mexico, and supposedly you can by test in the pet store here.
At least according to "Bigger, stronger, faster".

Appreciate any input though.
Based on some threads I've read on here regarding Helladrol, people have gained 20 lbs on a cycle.
That sounds pretty freaking awesome to me.

What were your gains with orals vs. test and what did you run?
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I did not have much on PS cycles. Maybe some strength and vascularity... Nothing compared to testosterone. Have run a sustanon 250 (testosterone blend) only cycle and had better gains. 2nd cycle was a testE/deca cycle and by far the best cycle yet. That had a lot to do with 3J in the last 8 weeks too.
My cycle is posted in this forum if you want to see.
Also, if you had posted this question in the anabolic forum here it would have much more response.
Do more research before you commit.
The anabolic forum certainly sees a lot more activity.
Good call. I'll start a thread there.
Haven't committed to anything yet, so I am open to suggestions. No doubt.
The anabolic forum certainly sees a lot more activity.
Good call. I'll start a thread there.
Haven't committed to anything yet, so I am open to suggestions. No doubt.
Good deal. Most of the brains here reside over there...