Helladrol Cycle Help


New member
Hey I'm getting ready to start a helladrol cycle. Stats age:24 weight: 240lbs height: 6'3" I have used prohormones in the past but it has been off of them for over a year. I have used finaflex 550 and Beastdrol was the last cycle I did in dec. 2011. I'm looking to add size and shred up a little for summer. I just thought I get some help from you guys since I'm semi new to this world and I want to be as safe as possible.

On Cycle
Preload NAC for 2 weeks and take throughout cycle
Helladrol 1-6
Rs Transaderm 1-6

Post Cycle
I also want to add in some lean xtreme so I don't add body fat after it is all said and done.

I'm not to sure on how I want to dose everything but I think it might be a good idea to taper off on the PCT to keep everything in check. I look forward to the help and let me know what you think of the cycle and any improvements that can be made or need to be made.
Any ideas guys looking for advice. I admit I need some help wanted to come to people who were more educated on the subject any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks man any recommendations on the doseage I want to run the whole bottle of helladrol and I might run a bottle and a half of Forma low dosed on cycle then heavy post cycle and taper it down.