helladrol stacking?


New member
So I'm planning another run in a month or so and trying to pick my best options. Im looking for a stack to really boost my strength and add some lean muscle without adding a ton of size and also assist in athletic preformance. I still dabble in some rec sports from time to time.

Anyways I've been pondering a stack of helladrol with mrsupps new 6-mdrol and rs-transderm. Would I be able to stack 6-mdrol with hella since 6-m is not meth, and would rs-trans be enough of a test base? I've seen other logs oh hella/kata/rs which is also intresting. And one last question where would the rate vrs something like a test/anavar or test/OT cycle? I know its apples to oranges but 6/10, 7/10 effectiveness vrs the real stuff.
What kind of athletic performance are you looking for? From personal experience, my cardio was awful on helladrol. My endurance just plain sucked, and i had some beastly back-pumps when trying to run. With that said, i was killing it in the weight room.

I personally wouldn't consider helladrol performance enhancing outside of the weight room.

Can you provide us with your stats? Age, weight, etc. Thx
31, 6"7, 237. Haven't had bf tested in a bit but id say 12-14%. I was drawn to hella since its conversion to ot which was documented on many oplimpic athletes using. In the talks of the athletes using ot it let them recover faster train harder without bulking or killing cardio hence in a way allowing better athletic performance, more power quicker explosive movement. And yes I know you have to train specificly to get said results. This also would not be my first go I have 2 runs under my belt.
Including myself, i've heard several guys mention cardio was "harder" on hella. I'm sure you're aware of this, but orals just aren't good for you. I would 100% put my money on cardio being effected. (especially if you stack it)

Anyhow, i've looked into RS, and i've seen a ton of mixed reviews. Some guys love it, some don't get anything from it. I've never used it, so i can't speak on it's effectiveness

I'm in the final stages of a hella/katana v3 stack right now. I'm loving it.

I'd look around and see if there's any logs on stacking Mdrol. It's a new compound, so i'd make sure no one died while using it. I'm joking of course, but you catch my drift.
Oh, and i forgot to mention. I've never used injectables. I've ordered my first vials for my upcoming 1st. Hopefully someone can chime in and help you with that question.

I'd be willing to bet, however, that the length injectables can be run would most certainly give you better results. Orals really aren't suppose to be run longer than 6 weeks (8 at most).
Transaderm will work very well as a test base for your run and if your serious about cycling and planning a hormone stack than I would defiantly include it in your cycle bro, is it better than say adding some test prop ? obviously not, but you don't have to inject eod and its legal.

I'd say its a very good choice for your run as you aren't looking to add huge amounts of size anyway, it'll defiantly help and definatly add to your gains but its not going to blow you up and add 30lbs in 4 weeks lol, if you want to grab some please use the codes and the link in my signature to save big on it my freind.

As far as comparisons go, in all honesty I could not accurately answer it for you, and no one else can either, gains depend upon a huge number of things but helladrol is an awesome pro-hormone and will add quality and keepable lean mass, usually quite abit and has a lot less sides than other hormones, how much though is up to you and your personal situation..
Helladrol is essentially T-Bol. All Halo clones are.

Stacking??? I don't think it's necessary. A product for a solid tes base would do u better.

The only one out at the time is Transderm. A much better version of PP"s old dermacrine.

U could always run osta in pct if ur looking for more gains.