Hello everyone! Newbie needs some advice


New member
Hello my name is Chris, I signed up on here not to long ago and wanted to introduce myself and hopefully see if you veterans could help my green horn a*s out a bit!

I am a 32 year old male who got into avid bodybuilding back in early 2012. I did my first cycle about a year ago which was just Var 60mg a week. I took a few months off and began running some test cypinate (500mg a week). I ran through 3 bottles and then did the proper clomid pct. A few months after I decided to get a little more wild and did a test/tren e/dbol stack, terrible idea! The tren kept me up and the dbol gave me severe anxiety especially at night. I hit eject after the first week from that cycle. From that point on I just stuck with what I knew my body accepted which was the cyp and var. I am at the point now where I want to dabble with something else so I decided to go with primo along with my usual cyp. Since primo is not anything crazy with side effects I figured I should be okay. You see my problem is neurological side effects, I have no physical side effects. I am just wondering what your opinions would be for me on a cyp/primo cycle and or adding something else to the fold? I am looking for a lean mass result for the most part which I know is quite difficult to achieve.

My stats are:

I have no idea on body fat

My Top Lifts:
Flat Bench Barbell: 315x6
Decline Bench Barbell: 365x4
Hex Bar Rack Pull: 440x8
Squat: 365x2

My diet was a lot worse, it has improved but defiantly needs some work.

I am up and on the road very early so I have to pick up breakfast on the go which annoys the hell out of me. I usually have an egg sandwich with a banana and 1 of those instant Quaker oat meals. I pre cook all my lunches the night before so I bounce between baked chicken breast with a cup of rice and a side of greens and one vitamin water. As the week goes on I will sub out the chicken for the equivalent with either pork chops, cod or tilapia.

Please any suggestions or criticisms are more than welcome, I am only here to take in what knowledge you guys care to share with me, I wont be mad!
Bro until you know what you are doing follow the advice given on this board. The search function will be very helpful.

What are your stats?

Expect to be corrected and helped my friend.
Can you talk to me about blood work results, aromatase Inhibitors, dopamine Agonists, and hCG? You did not really cover how these elements have been incorporated into your cycles. And please detail out your PCT protocol and why Nolva is not part of it.
Sorry I left out a few things. I was taking Arimidex. One 1mg tab every other day as an eblocker. I was also taking 1 Blockade and 1 Milk Thysil with each meal for liver support. The week after my last pin of test I began Clomid. Week 1-2 I dosed 150mg a day of Clomid. Week 3-4 I brought it down to 100mg a day. Week 5 I ended off with 50mg a day.
Sorry I left out a few things. I was taking Arimidex. One 1mg tab every other day as an eblocker. I was also taking 1 Blockade and 1 Milk Thysil with each meal for liver support. The week after my last pin of test I began Clomid. Week 1-2 I dosed 150mg a day of Clomid. Week 3-4 I brought it down to 100mg a day. Week 5 I ended off with 50mg a day.

That is a lot of Adex. Are you obese?

Why would you start PCT one week after your last pin of test Cyp? It hasn't cleared yet.

You didn't address DA's and hCG? Please speak to them as well.
No i am not obese, everyone who runs cycles that i have ever met has done 1 dex eod. My original point of this thread was not to discuss e blockers and pct, it was to discuss the test cyp-primo stack i had planned to run.
Well do you know now why 60 mg of var a week was a waist and just pointless. Who ever told you to do that you should go kick them in the crotch. 60MG a day would have had me questioning if you had a vagina or like dancing with men. Nothing personal if your in to that sort of thing. Just want you to know where everyone looking at this is standing. Lets move on. Normally people plan a cycle by the strength of a compound per a time period a day or a week with all ancillaries plan and PCT schedule planned and Diet and training programs all planned. It's should be tracked and logged just like a scientific study. IT's important to know if something goes wrong when and how so you can make changes and avoid growing Tits or stroking out due to high Blood pressure.

IT sounds to me like you need to do more research and really dial it in. I think its better to stay with one compound for now and focus on your diet.
Why the rack pulls? Deca is the first one I added in. You should also add a squat rack at like 2-3X/week.

I have an issue with my lower back where bending all the way down for dead lifts hurts, so I do rack pulls instead. I gotta work with what I got.
So does anyone have a response or recomendation to my original question of what they suggest stacking with primo and test cyp as well as a good meal plan for a lean bulk food plan?
You gotta crawl before you walk bud.. Your cycle layout needs addressing first. Mainly ai's and pct...