Hello from California... Here's my introduction.

Vas Des Sanct

New member
Hey all,
Figured I would take the time out for a proper introduction. I been checking this site for information for over a year and recently joined about a month ago.
Im a 5'9', 35yr old male. I currently weigh 230lbs. My bf is around 23%.

I was a carpenter for 10 years, so my shoulders, back and knees arent in the best shape. For most of my life I've always ran to get in shape and dropped down to 205 three times in my adult life. About 3 years ago I messed up my ankle during softball. Following the injury I couldnt run, but due to a few deaths in my family I really wanted to get in shape. At the time I got up to 250lbs and wasnt happy with my body. So, not being able to run, I decided to start weightlifting. It really changed my life and I absolutley love it. Ive been lifting now for 2 years. Ive had some back and shoulder issues along the way. I went to physical therapy for my ankle and now that is healed up (I thought I would never run again). I have been lifting at least 5 days a week for about two hours a day for eight months straight. Ive been 230lbs the whole eight months, but I will say that my body has completly changed. I feel great and even though Im not in the best shape, Im still in better shape than most people I see and know. Its a pretty good feeling.

Ive tried a ton of supplements, but the only thing I take regularly now is protein, a pre-workout and multivitamins. Im a serious researcher and an analyst by nature. I look forward to continueing my learning and interacting with the community. thx.
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