A lil about myself.
I am 36 years old 201 lbs 6'0. I have ran 2 cycles in my life time. The first when I was 24 years old on a AAS called Primotestone from Mexico. I am originally from a border town. Mcallen, TX do be exact. So it is fairly easy to cross and get what you need or at least it was then. I didn't know as much as I know now about PCT and proper dosages depending upon goals set as I do now.
After being a gym member for the last 3 years taking my diet seriously and supplementing to my needs I decided to look into AAS again. Over the last 6 months I researched forums and other sites and sponged up most of what I could without becoming a member.
I complete my second cycle in may of this year I purchased 2 bottles of your Nandoril- D 300 MG and 2 bottles of Sustanol 350 at a high mark up as I can see now through wordpress lol
So this is how it went
Weight prior to cycle 187 lbs BF 26% at the peak of the cycle or 8 week I was up to 208 lbs a lil puffy but vieny at the same time. BF 17% I felt I was on what seemed like 2 days in. Like I felt when I had done them in my twenties. Like I could run through a wall work out for 1 1/2 hrs and go back again in the evening. Sex drive through the wall. Focus energy.
2/01/16 Sustanon @ 500 mg for 10 weeks Pinned Once a week
Deca @ 400 MG for 8 weeks Pinned Once a week
4/11/16 Was my last pin of sustanon
I waited 2 weeks and started PCT on 4/25
Supplement List
D Aspiritic Acid
Nolvadex 40 MG everyday for Week 1 and 2 and completed on 5/9
Then lowered to 20 mg daily which I will be running until 5/23
Currently I'm completely off aas and using most of the same supplemnts and diet I was while I was one. supplments as far as protien, fish oil, NO booster, preworkout mixx, creatine and my BCAA's along with a well balanced diet. Lots of Salmon ton of chicken arounf 3500 to 3800 colories a day still working out 6 days a week just one hour per day now. Oh and a test booster.
I have drroped from 208 to between 199 and 202 and it has stabilized.. Still strong no problems with sex drive. Still producing test.
So now I find myself here. Reading reviews catching tips and deciding on what's next.
Glad to be part of this forum.
I am 36 years old 201 lbs 6'0. I have ran 2 cycles in my life time. The first when I was 24 years old on a AAS called Primotestone from Mexico. I am originally from a border town. Mcallen, TX do be exact. So it is fairly easy to cross and get what you need or at least it was then. I didn't know as much as I know now about PCT and proper dosages depending upon goals set as I do now.
After being a gym member for the last 3 years taking my diet seriously and supplementing to my needs I decided to look into AAS again. Over the last 6 months I researched forums and other sites and sponged up most of what I could without becoming a member.
I complete my second cycle in may of this year I purchased 2 bottles of your Nandoril- D 300 MG and 2 bottles of Sustanol 350 at a high mark up as I can see now through wordpress lol
So this is how it went
Weight prior to cycle 187 lbs BF 26% at the peak of the cycle or 8 week I was up to 208 lbs a lil puffy but vieny at the same time. BF 17% I felt I was on what seemed like 2 days in. Like I felt when I had done them in my twenties. Like I could run through a wall work out for 1 1/2 hrs and go back again in the evening. Sex drive through the wall. Focus energy.
2/01/16 Sustanon @ 500 mg for 10 weeks Pinned Once a week
Deca @ 400 MG for 8 weeks Pinned Once a week
4/11/16 Was my last pin of sustanon
I waited 2 weeks and started PCT on 4/25
Supplement List
D Aspiritic Acid
Nolvadex 40 MG everyday for Week 1 and 2 and completed on 5/9
Then lowered to 20 mg daily which I will be running until 5/23
Currently I'm completely off aas and using most of the same supplemnts and diet I was while I was one. supplments as far as protien, fish oil, NO booster, preworkout mixx, creatine and my BCAA's along with a well balanced diet. Lots of Salmon ton of chicken arounf 3500 to 3800 colories a day still working out 6 days a week just one hour per day now. Oh and a test booster.
I have drroped from 208 to between 199 and 202 and it has stabilized.. Still strong no problems with sex drive. Still producing test.
So now I find myself here. Reading reviews catching tips and deciding on what's next.
Glad to be part of this forum.