Hello From San Antonio, TX


New member
A lil about myself.

I am 36 years old 201 lbs 6'0. I have ran 2 cycles in my life time. The first when I was 24 years old on a AAS called Primotestone from Mexico. I am originally from a border town. Mcallen, TX do be exact. So it is fairly easy to cross and get what you need or at least it was then. I didn't know as much as I know now about PCT and proper dosages depending upon goals set as I do now.

After being a gym member for the last 3 years taking my diet seriously and supplementing to my needs I decided to look into AAS again. Over the last 6 months I researched forums and other sites and sponged up most of what I could without becoming a member.

I complete my second cycle in may of this year I purchased 2 bottles of your Nandoril- D 300 MG and 2 bottles of Sustanol 350 at a high mark up as I can see now through wordpress lol

So this is how it went

Weight prior to cycle 187 lbs BF 26% at the peak of the cycle or 8 week I was up to 208 lbs a lil puffy but vieny at the same time. BF 17% I felt I was on what seemed like 2 days in. Like I felt when I had done them in my twenties. Like I could run through a wall work out for 1 1/2 hrs and go back again in the evening. Sex drive through the wall. Focus energy.

2/01/16 Sustanon @ 500 mg for 10 weeks Pinned Once a week
Deca @ 400 MG for 8 weeks Pinned Once a week

4/11/16 Was my last pin of sustanon

I waited 2 weeks and started PCT on 4/25

Supplement List
D Aspiritic Acid

Nolvadex 40 MG everyday for Week 1 and 2 and completed on 5/9
Then lowered to 20 mg daily which I will be running until 5/23

Currently I'm completely off aas and using most of the same supplemnts and diet I was while I was one. supplments as far as protien, fish oil, NO booster, preworkout mixx, creatine and my BCAA's along with a well balanced diet. Lots of Salmon ton of chicken arounf 3500 to 3800 colories a day still working out 6 days a week just one hour per day now. Oh and a test booster.

I have drroped from 208 to between 199 and 202 and it has stabilized.. Still strong no problems with sex drive. Still producing test.

So now I find myself here. Reading reviews catching tips and deciding on what's next.

Glad to be part of this forum.
just wanting to clarify . you were serious about diet, training and supplementing for about 3 years before deciding to do this last cycle . and after that 3 years you were 6' tall, 187 pounds and 26% BF (before your last cycle)?

this just does not sound right to me . how could those be your stats after 3 years of serious training and diet.
6' tall, 187 pounds and 26% BF . that means that if you were to at that time drop you BF% down to a healthy and athletic 12% for example, that would leave you at being 6' tall and 160 pounds is all ! that means you really have hardly any muscularity what-so-ever. which again makes no sense for a guy after 3 years of serious training.

if the above is correct and stats correct. then I'd really advise you to get involved in the diet and training section and get those two things dialed in, because something must be off with those two things to train 3 years and have those stats

just my 2 cents