Help a bloated brother out


New member
Can armidex give any benefits to a natural lifter? I have been off cycle for almost 7 months now, been dealing with alot of mental and REAL bullshit....and hoping to go back on a cycle in a couple of months (fingers crossed). Now, Im trying to get some of my strength and mass back, but NOT wanting to ever be so bloatd again (hint hint too much androgens). I got only one problem right now and that is a dreadfull moon face thats been haunting me for a while and especially the last month. I want to deal with this thing sooner than later, so I thought why not use arimidex at a reasonable dose, so that not only I keep estrogen levels in check, it would also get rid of the bloat. Another thing I want to do is fix my diet so that it would help keep the bloat down....but I quite honestly do not know what specific diet elements influence bloat and/or estrogen levels. One more thing...can anti-depressents be the cause of bloat or a rise in estrogen levels or maybe decrease of test levels?
try to fool with your diet. Watch your sodium intake, try to eat clean and do some cardio, burn some of that baby fat on your face and loose some water
Many anti-D's will cause you to either gain fat, or hold water. If this is the case, you really just need to watch your diet. Estrogen levels really arent what is doing it (if you arent on cycle). Even while on, bloat can be controlled with diet. I wouldnt bother with the arimidex. It is most likely your meds and your diet. Watch your sodium intake and shitty food intake. Also, do you eat alot of diary? I love milk, but it makes me bloat even if i am not on anything.
JohnyJuice said:
Many anti-D's will cause you to either gain fat, or hold water. If this is the case, you really just need to watch your diet. Estrogen levels really arent what is doing it (if you arent on cycle). Even while on, bloat can be controlled with diet. I wouldnt bother with the arimidex. It is most likely your meds and your diet. Watch your sodium intake and shitty food intake. Also, do you eat alot of diary? I love milk, but it makes me bloat even if i am not on anything.

well u know what just gave me another reason to stop using that crap. The effexors are going down the toilet tommorow.