Help advice needed please


New member
Hello all, I'm fairly new to this website. my stats quickly are 24 @ 190 deadlift 455 squat 405 bench 315

I have a quick question that I hope someone on here can help me with, I've been on a cycle of test cyp for only a week now, I Injected 250 mg on tues ( 2/9) and another 250mg on sun ( 2/14). Unfortunately I have to stop my cycle very early, I got the call finally into the police academy and apparently I have been told they test for everything. For those of you wondering why I even bothered to start a cycle, I was on the list and under the impression it would take another year before a call. I know some have told me that they dont test for AAS but I have heard that before entering the academy they do, they sent out a list of banned supplements and all. I rather be safe then sorry so Im stopping early in my cycle.

My question is simple , after one week , two injections of basically 500mg total. Is a post cycle necessary? Ive read that one week wouldnt do anything to your system and youll bounce back quick and its better to not put anything else in your body because it will do more harm then good. But ive also read of some people taking a short pct or going the natural supplement way to increase test again. Can anyone weigh in on this? Thank you
Natural supplements are most likely a waste of money. It's possible that you could bounce back after a week. I would atleast run a pct though to be safe.
Natural supplements are most likely a waste of money. It's possible that you could bounce back after a week. I would atleast run a pct though to be safe.

do you think i could i get away without running a PCT? its been a week today but only 2 injections (total 500mg ). Im just trying to get some veteran advice onhere
You don't need to do anything except put juice down till you can do it right. No pct needed at all.
I have a buddy of mine that did a tour in Afghanistan came back back got sauced the F up and immediately got a job as a cop due to his background in the military. It was so obvious that it was almost a slap in the face to LE. However, this is the same kind of guy that if it didn't go well back home he would leave on another tour with no issues. He clearly did not give a shit. If you do, id stop all together without any PCT and run your cycle once you've got the job. I don't know. Where I'm from AAS is encouraged by cops.