Help can't get hard after cycle


New member
Okay so I'm 19..yes way to young to have done prohormones and I agree. Here was my issue I didn't actually know they were prohormones when I bought them. It was to my understanding it was a natural test and anabolic booster. My buddy bought us both a "cycle". on the last week of the first bottle i felt no difference so I started reading the ingredients and I decided to research them. I found they were pro hormones which convert into steroids and I shat my pants. I stopped taking it even though I was almost finished and went on the PCT they provided. Everything was okay until the last week of the post cycle therapy (pct). I started not being able to get hard and my sex drive went down. It has been almost three weeks since I finished my PCT and I am still not getting hard and if I do its not fully erect. I am scared as fuck and never wanted to mess with my hormones in the first place. I am an idiot for not researching what was in it before I took and and I know that but honestly who does with most suppliments. Can anyone please help me and tell me what to do? I really don't want to be screwed the rest of my life. I never wanted to mess with steroids it was just an accident and I don't want to pay for it forever. Please help!
Okay so I'm 19..yes way to young to have done prohormones and I agree. Here was my issue I didn't actually know they were prohormones when I bought them. It was to my understanding it was a natural test and anabolic booster. My buddy bought us both a "cycle". on the last week of the first bottle i felt no difference so I started reading the ingredients and I decided to research them. I found they were pro hormones which convert into steroids and I shat my pants. I stopped taking it even though I was almost finished and went on the post cycle therapy (pct) they provided. Everything was okay until the last week of the post cycle therapy (pct). I started not being able to get hard and my sex drive went down. It has been almost three weeks since I finished my post cycle therapy (pct) and I am still not getting hard and if I do its not fully erect. I am scared as fuck and never wanted to mess with my hormones in the first place. I am an idiot for not researching what was in it before I took and and I know that but honestly who does with most suppliments. Can anyone please help me and tell me what to do? I really don't want to be screwed the rest of my life. I never wanted to mess with steroids it was just an accident and I don't want to pay for it forever. Please help!

Well, the only way to see where you are standing is to get some blood work. Additionally, what prohormone were you on and what did you take for post cycle therapy (pct) and for how long?? Hey man, you made a mistake but I can tell you have learned from it so there is no point in ragging you about it. I have done the same thing back in the day. Popped pills because someone told me too. Remember, we should know exactly what we are putting in to our bodies, etc. So get some blood work done and lets see where your testosterone, LH, FSH, Estrogen, SHBG levels are at. In the meantime, if it is ruining your sex experiences, then order you some cialis and take that in the meantime. If not, wait it out until you recover. So give us all the info you have so we can better help you.
I took this product called RA Anabolic stack III. The prohormone in it was 1 andro I think? it was andro something. I through out the bottle...really wish I kept it now. I am researching it right not trying to find the ingredients but I'm not having goodluck. The post cycle therapy (pct) has 25 mg of 6 bromodione, 50 mg DIM, 175 mg of Agaricus Bisporus,75 mg of 4 7 dihydroxyisoflvone, and 5mg of bioperine. I had to take two pills per day. If anyone can find the ingredients for the first bottle that would be great I will keep searching. I have learned my lesson thank you for not freaking out at me I did that to myself plenty. I am considering trying some DAA ? if y condition doesnt get better in a week I am scheduling a doctors appointent
So my sex drive is slowly increasing. I am now able to get hard but it is not full on I used to be abe to just think about women and it would go rock stiff before the cycle and now I have to work a bit to get it up. I think it is progress though because I am able to get hard now and I have woke up a couple days with it partially hard. I started taking Test Powder by USB labs on monday hoping that might help. My balls are still small though. They shrunk after my post cycle therapy (pct). I am waiting one more week to see if I get better and if not I am going to the doctors. My earlier post shows what was in my post cycle therapy (pct). Was it shit? I reallly want to recover from this. I'm not ging near this shit again and I am making sure I know wtf I am taking as a suppliment from now on
If you are 19 you should go to a Dr and tell him wtf you did. And hopefully they can help you. When I was 19 i had a hard on all the time. But I also wasn't stupid enough to be
playing around with this shit. WTF is wrong with you kids today?
Well it was an accident. I had no idea it was a prohormone that I was taking. I didn't even know they exsisted. I didn't research steroids or anything because I never wanted to use them. I thought it was just a test booster with other igredients kind of like m stak by universal. That's what my buddy told me and he thought the same thing too. Obviously I was an idiot for not researching what was in it but I had no clue that there were even such things. Trust me I'm not happy about it and being told I'm stupid and all this shit just is not helpful. I cannot help what happened in the past I just want to make sure my future is okay.
It is odd because my symptoms are low libido and ED along with my balls shrinking. I was looking up low test symptoms though and they include low energy depression and loss of mass and strength. I am actually making better gains in the gym now than I did even while on that cycle. I don't feel tired at all. My only depression is coming from my low libido and ED....also reading about this stuff every night is depressing me a bit too but other than that I seem okay.
This should be a post every 19 year old kid should read and learn not to fuck with your natural hormones at a early age and why to wait till min 25 unless you plan to run testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and cialis your whole life lol

Go to the doctor stop all of what ever the fuck your taking get blood work ed @ 19 that's scary let's hope he comes back to normal
I'm calling to make an appointment monday. God I am so scared now. I just want to be normal again.
I know no one ever takes my advice, but Cialis post cycle really works numbers on your circulatory system, I suffered from ED at an early age, and kind of still do, but I would take it once every two weeks/month, and it would otherwise restore my circulatory system, there have been plenty of guys worse off than you who didn't know what else to do, for me it would be a last resort after my hormones balanced and my blood work checked out, $20-$40/month is awesome for a stable sex drive if the problem persisted (let's not hope so)
It happens man. Often times Prohormones shut your testosterone production down just as fast steroids. Blood work will tell all. Time will slowly bring your body back to normal. The whole reasoning behind post cycle therapy (pct) is to bring it back to normal faster.
you'll be fine. Since ur young you will kick back within a month or so. Problem is that prohormones shut down ur HPTA and their post cycle therapy (pct) protocols r over the counter BS that don't work. U need a SERM with all steroid usage. So wait til ur older, go natural for awhile, learn a little, and when ur ready do it right.
Thank you!! That relly helps put my mind t ease. All these people saying I'm screwed for life was causing me to stress out and not sleep. I'm glad some people actually care. I really appreciate it
I'll just add a good balanced diet will help your body start working properly again.

Forget the performance henhancers for a while and go natural' you'll recover fast at your age, get a good multi vitamin and some zinc and magnesium suppliment.

If you want to take anything that won't damage you but increase your gym performance you can go for some Branch Chain Amino Acid and get some Creatine and a good protien suppliment.... You'll make massive gains with those and won't damage your body.

If you want tips on either diet or training then visit those sections of the forums and you'll get the best advice you can get, the guys here are often very smart and know how to advise people with the best info.

Good Luck mate...!
Thank you! I am noticing that I am slowly slowly recovering. It has only been 3 weeks since my PCT and apperently my PCT wasn't a very good one which I believe. Thank you for your help. Should I go off the DAA ? it is just an amino acid. It is natural.