Help for a friend


New member
Ok bros....lookin for some advice for a friend who I found out ran his first cycle ignorantly....first cycle sust250 and teen a @ 100mg each EOD for 10 weeks!! Both Sustanon (sust) and tren were stopped at the same time, no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout cycle and no pct to this's been 13 days since last pin and he's definitely having some issues!! I have only really studied into test e and c because early on I realized this was the way to get started so I really don't have much knowledge on the shorter esters and proper pct procedures for them and the 19nor.....should he just start clomid/nolva now.....blast hcg then start clomid/nolvadex......go back on Sustanon (sust) or prop for a couple of weeks then move to proper post cycle therapy (pct)? I wanna help the guy out but being as tho my studies have been concentrated on test only cycles and pct timing for long esters.....I don't wanna steer him in the wrong direction so any help would be appreciated
Sustanon has an active life of about 21 days compared to long ester like cyp or enanthate which are about 15-16 days active.
I would suggest standard clomid/nolva protocol about 20 days after last pin of sustanon
What About ThE Tren????... Everything Ive Read Says That Tren Should Be Stopped Before Test....Should This Be AN Issue Or Just ProcEed With Good Pct Protocol?
Was it tren ace or enanthate
Just get him some hcg and blast @ 1000iu ed for 10 days
Follow up with this
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20