help me out


New member
im gonna start a cutting plan tom. Im gonna hit around 160-180 grams of protein.
1 How many carbs should i eat, i tend to get sick if i dont have enough carbs before my work out but im fine any other time of day. So how many carbs can i have in a day not inlcuding my post work out shake and how many before a work out, my carbs will be moslty from sweet potatoe and oatmeal.

2 How many carbs are in a sweet p. ?

3 I plan on bike riding for cardio for about 45 minutes, so should i eat before if i do it in the morning and what about if some days i do it after school? thans alot guys.

by the way im 185p im 5'7 and although im not fat i do have a nice amount to loose. Id like to get to like 170. thanks alot
forgot to mention that im natural and am gonna be waiting till summer for my first cycle. And also how many times a week should i hit the cardio, is 2 enough if im training 4 days a week?
Im going to reccomend bumping your protein intake up some, aim for 1.5g/lb bodyweight.
as for the amount of carbs that you need, everyone is different. some can diet with more and some need less. You'll need to play around with the amounts and make adjustments as needed, watch the scale and mirror to be the judge.

as for cardio, begin with just 3 days a week. there is no need to be doing it sooo often when just begining diet. how will you tweak when you plateau. what intensity is your cardio?
i want planning on measuring my heart rate, i wouldnt know were to begin. I plan on just going for a medium 45-1hour bike ride like 2 times a week, i havent done cardio in years so it should be a good work out. Can you give me an amount of carbs to start with, like should i start at 300 a day not including my post cycle therapy (pct) shake and work down from there.? i havent done a cycle yet so it shouldnt be that hard to maintain my natural muscle mass, i dont even really care if i loose some, im just tired of this fat.
its really hard to just throw reccomendsations for carb amounts for ppl when cutting. everyone responds differently. how many carbs are you eating right now/day?
Definitely bump up your protein comsumption. As far as the cardio, 3X/week on an empty stomach in the morning will get you on your way to fat loss pretty quickly. Try to keep your carbs around 200gm/day. If you consume 1.5gm protein/lb you will be eating almost 280gm/day. This will help you keep your natural muscle mass.
Protein 280gm X 4kcal/gm= 1120 kcal
Carbs 200gm X 4kcal/gm= 800kcal
Try and keep your fats to a minimum. Generally you will get enough fat through your protein sources. Don't add fat to your diet when cutting. If you feel to tired, your carbs are too low, but for your body weight 200 should be fine. Also try and consume most of your carbs earlier in the day and taper them off towards the night. I hope this helps.
yeah thanks a lot for the help. Is it okay to eat meats that are higher in fat like steak? i think ill try 200 grams of carbs a day to start with. thanks.
ok check this out, my diet has been going preety good. i have a few questions.

1. Are turkey sausages low is fat and how many grams of protein do you think is found in each link or in each pound.

2. pre work out i have been drinkking 40 grams of whey with 1 cup of oatmeal mixed in it, is this enough of a meal cause i get sick when i train with out enough carbs.

3. besides old fashioned oats what other carb sources can i use besides rice for my diet. Aslo what do you think about instant oatmeals that dont have suger in them??are they also a good choice? thanks
As for carbs I would start out on the high side and you could just keep decreasing your carbs until you start to notice fat loss. I think cardio 2x a week is too little but if that is all you can do then so be it. At least try to have separate cardio days so that 6 days out of the week you are increasing your metabolism through exercise. Some other good carb sources are yams, whole wheat bread, veggies, and rye bread. The turkery sausage that I have bought in the past still contains 5g of fat per link as compared to the normal 14g but it would not be a good idea. Furthermore that fat is primarily saturated and you need omega-3 and omega-6's during dieting especially.