Help needed


New member
I ran a ph a few months ago and after running the pct I experienced sore nipples, hard knots etc. I am about to run a cycle of test-e at 500mg a week and will be running letro with it. Will this help reduce the size of the knots even while I am on the cycle?? I have tried novladex but no signs of improvement. The lumps seem to have 'spread out' in a horizontal shape on one side and on the other the knot is about the size of my whole nipple from top to bottom. Any help would be appreciated!
I would go to a Dr.
99% of prohormones are shit, or hey are a methylated version of testosterone which can be hepatoxic, as well as shutdown your natural production of test, and induce gyno. See a Dr first they can see if you are shutdown, have gyno, etc. I would also have bloodwork done by your Doc before beginning any kind of cycle. Letro may remove the lumps, depending on what they were caused by (estrogen or prolactin).
Go to a Dr!