Help on Anavar cycle!!!


New member
I have 30 Anavar left over from a 6 week cycle a while back and i was wondering if I could us those 30 in a little 20mg/day 2 week cycle???
Or will that be to short?
That would do basically nothing. When is your next cycle? I would take 10mg ED with CEE for 4 weeks as a bridge. If your next cycle is months away, save them and get more.
That would do basically nothing. When is your next cycle? I would take 10mg ED with CEE for 4 weeks as a bridge. If your next cycle is months away, save them and get more.
What's your overall opinion on bridging? Not totally against obviously from this post.
What is ED?? And when you were on your var cycle did you split your dosages into am and pm ones? Or take it all at once?
ED on this board mean every day. In medical terms it mean erectile dysfunction

I am not against bridging if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used to prevent atrophy. If you dont use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I say 16 week cycles with 2 months off.

Anavar doses should be split.

I usually bridge with gh, slin, and creatine, so I can bring my HPTA back to full strenght.

If you take the anavar in the AM only, there is a slightly better chance of the least amount of suppression