Help on Diet


New member
First my stats:

34 years old
BF About 18%

I would like to get down to about 10% body fat
I eat 6 meals a day now. one is a whey shake. How many calories should i be at and how much carbs.

I also doing about 30 min cardio a day.

so hard to say based on your info. Go to 3J's sticky thread, get your BMR/TDEE then it would be a lot easier to assess. Im doubtful you 18% at 5' 11" 275 but might be.

im 5' 10" and when im at 10% im about 175, i know its not an exact science and people vary but when i started cutting i was 195 and about 14%
yea i'd wanna see a pic to verify that bf..

not calling u a liar or anything, people just dont have enough of a reference to tell what their bf is