Help on first cycle with existing gyno


New member
Sorry if my english is bad but is not my native language...
Im new to the forum but ive reading a lot and i decided to start a 12 week cycle of a mixed compounds of testosterones...its called Super Test 400
It has 150 mg of test e,150 of test cyp and 100 of test prop.... its 400mg/ml i will split it in two dosages 200 mg mon and thur

Since i have existing gyno... not from any cycle or nothing just from puberty and i already decided i will start the cycle.... i would like to keep the gyno at minimum.... im planning on runing 12.5mg Aromasin EOD since day 1 and if i feel itchy or something increase it to 25mg EOD.... i was also thinking about adding 10mg of Nolva ED or 20mg EOD or even 40mg EOD depending on what i feel at the moment... then 3 weeks before end of cycle of HCG...

My PCT will be
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

My main concern is regarding the gyno, it is ok to keep the cycle like that or you would change or add something??.... i will not be using letro.... and i may add some raloxifene
Welcome! Just wanted to point out that nolva is not commonly used during cycles but rather, after a cycle for pct along with clomid like you have your pct already set up.
aromasin is good enough to run during your cycle as an Ai.
Have you done bloodworks at any point? do you know what your levels are when you where younger that caused your gyno at an early age?
Welcome! Just wanted to point out that nolva is not commonly used during cycles but rather, after a cycle for pct along with clomid like you have your pct already set up.
aromasin is good enough to run during your cycle as an Ai.
Have you done bloodworks at any point? do you know what your levels are when you where younger that caused your gyno at an early age?
we also need your stats, age, weight, height, bf% and any cycle history.
With testosterone blends injection timing is usually based off the shortest acting ester. I believe EOD is recommemded by the experienced guys. I just repeat cycle information.

I have no clue on the aromasin dosage.

Nolva can be used as emergency treatment for high estrogen but it doesn't lower it.

Pre cycle labs will show your levels. Not only where you want your levels to return after cycle/PCT but also a point for things like estrogen. Low estrogen is bad. It has its bad side effects.

Age, height, weight, body fat, goals, training experience and also diet information.

Testosterone increases protien synthesis to be simple. If you don't eat enough it does no good to cycle. It is like adding another worker to a construction team. If there are not enough raw materials the extra worker will not increase production. If there isn't enough power to run the additional workers tools then there will be no increased production.

Diet is the most important. If we are not gaining muscle or fat we are not eating enough. The scale has to go up.
With having existing gyno, your cycle idea isn't exactly a good one.

Using a test blend with multiple esters means that the test is entering your blood at different rates. This is not exactly good because it will be more difficult to control estrogen. You would be better off using test e or test cyp.

Dosing aromasin eod isn't recommended due to the short half life unless bloodwork is done to confirm that you are dosing it accurately. Considering you have existing gyno, this probably wouldn't be a good idea to do. You may be better off starting at 12.5mgs per day.

Nolvadex will help combat gyno symptoms while on cycle but it would be ideal to use with an ai not by itself. Since you already have gyno, you may want to look into using ralox instead.
I thought this was an interesting blend, 150 cyp, 150 enanthate, 100 prop - so I plotted out your dosing scheme. Used for half lives 12 days cyp, 10 days enan, 3.5 days prop.

View attachment 567258

The red line is the prop, blue the enanthate, and yellow the cyp. Black is the sum total of those.

You can see that the short ester prop gets your blood levels up to max faster than would happen with just cyp or enan. Also can see that E3.5D dosing gives you a bit more ripple variation than would pure cyp for example. Normal approach for dosing is half of a half life gives flat blood levels, prop is 3.5 days so it is typical to do EOD with it. In your case with those other long esters and prop only 25% I think E3.5D is ok.

For the aromasin dosing the typical starting point is 12.5mg EOD for 500 test cyp. If you back out the amount of test (70% for cyp for example) you can calculate mg aromasin per mg test, and readjust for your blend of prop, enan, cyp. This works out to 10.6 mg EOD or 5.3 mg ED. As Tbone said the short half life of aromasin makes for daily dosing better, so if you can break your 12.5 mg EOD capsules or tabs in half and take every day you'd be better off. That dose should be good, but you'll have to calibrate with blood testing around week 6 or so to know if you need a bit more or less.

For the gyno you will want to start the AI from day one and keep close tabs on it. If you start having problems you can go get a blood test to see where you are at, get a snapshot in time to try to figure out where you have issues, and like you said increase AI or maybe take 5 mg nolva per day.

Here's what your blood levels look like when you stop, this shows last shot beginning of week 6 just for example. You'd want to wait 2-1/2 weeks after last shot to start your PCT drugs.

View attachment 567259
Thank you very much guys for all your info ive been a little busy thats why i havent sent a reply.... for sure i will do blood work before cycle to make sure what are my normal stats at the moment....and then on the 6 week again to see how it goes... and once i finish too.... my only concern is the gyno... i will be using the AI ED then will be half of 12.5 mg... and as i go if i feel that i need to increase it i will and then also i will see what works best for me if ED or EOD... i will have the Nolva handy just in case i need it.... i know i should be using just test e but the only one im able to get right now is the one i mentioned but i will keep it at 400mg wk.... so 2 1/2 weeks after last pin i will start my PCT of Nolva and Clomid.... The HCG i do it 4 weeks prior to end the cycle?
6.0" 220lb 16%bf training for 6yrs 29yo
Im not sure if i can also pin true e3d
That will be 3 pins in one week and 2 the next.... for example:
mon-thur-sun and then wed-sat....etc, etc as the days goes...
Do you guys think adding Masteron 500mg wk will help?... i know is not exactly an AI but it has AI properties... and is not exactly a powerfull compound...
Do you guys think adding Masteron 500mg wk will help?... i know is not exactly an AI but it has AI properties... and is not exactly a powerfull compound...

Mast is not an ai and will not work like one. You might as well consider that it does not aromatize.
Im not sure if i can also pin true e3d
That will be 3 pins in one week and 2 the next.... for example:
mon-thur-sun and then wed-sat....etc, etc as the days goes...

Don't get all that caught up in exactly 7 day weeks. If it's every 3 days over the 3 months it is what it is.

Also every 3.5 days is close and end up being something like Monday morning and Thursday evening.

With the length AAS can last and the months on cycle weeks and hours can be shifted a little. It's the blood level of the compound that matters.

Also every other day may not be exactly the same every week but it's the levels in our blood we care about. Not some calendar scheduel.
Mast is not an ai and will not work like one. You might as well consider that it does not aromatize.
I know is not... and i said it... i just said that it could help since it has AI properties... my main AI will be Aromasin

mast does not have any related properties to an Ai, please read the steroid profile here
I ve read it somewhere that said it does have... it might be miss information...

Don't get all that caught up in exactly 7 day weeks. If it's every 3 days over the 3 months it is what it is.

Also every 3.5 days is close and end up being something like Monday morning and Thursday evening.

With the length AAS can last and the months on cycle weeks and hours can be shifted a little. It's the blood level of the compound that matters.

Also every other day may not be exactly the same every week but it's the levels in our blood we care about. Not some calendar scheduel.
Ok got it so its not counting the 7 day... thank you so it will be pin E3.5D or E3D no matter what day falls in... al right good enough.... i think i will leave the masteron for my next cycle, i will get bloods before i start my cycle to see what my ranges are.... thank you guys for all your information very much appreciate it...
Im not sure if i can also pin true e3d
That will be 3 pins in one week and 2 the next.... for example:
mon-thur-sun and then wed-sat....etc, etc as the days goes...

I'm not sure what you are thinking here, just keep it simple 2x per week. I do Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, which is E3.5D.

Works out to 4 shots per week because you'll do the HCG that same day 250 IU each time. Take the HCG from day 1 up to start of PCT drugs.
I'm not sure what you are thinking here, just keep it simple 2x per week. I do Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, which is E3.5D.

Works out to 4 shots per week because you'll do the HCG that same day 250 IU each time. Take the HCG from day 1 up to start of PCT drugs.
Awesome so that will be 500 ui per wk and i will inject the same day i do the Test... thank you very much.