Help on first cycle


New member
hi im recently new into the gym and need some help on my first cycle what should i take test-e or d-bol,and also please help me on for example dosage size how many times a week? and what to take with it
Thanks guys!!!
i havent been taking anything brother, how many mg do you reckon i take a week and what other supps should i take with it? im currentyl 6'1'' 90kgs and 20 years old i dont really have a genuine build sort of floppy
Well first off you are way to young to use AAS. And if you are new to the gym you need to work out naturally and eat right till you meet your natural potential. We recommend you dont use steroids until you are at least 24. So you need to do more reading on workouts and diets and not steroids. Plus i never said you were taking andthing and then you said how many mg i take a week for the second time. that shows me that you didnt even read the sticky links that i just posted. You really dont belong here yet. I am not trying to flame you but these are serious drugs and we have been training, dieting and researching for years and years.
What are your stats first? You need a solid build before you start with aas. The reason i say this is you put new to the gym. That tells me right there youre not ready for aas. Also diet help is a must because 75% of guys diets suck. We can start off with your stats first.