help on how much protien /carbs/fats


New member

hey im 23 5'8 about 190 lbs. and im looking to create a new diet. i was just wondering first off how many grams of protien and carbs ans fat am i going to wanna take in.. if im looking to gain lean mass /cut.

i was thinking about 320 protien 300 carbs 50mg fat?
well which one is it. do you want to gain lean mass, or lose bodyfat....ive seen your name here before, so i dont think you are an obese newbie, which would be the only way you would be able to lose weight and gain weight at the same time naturally.

Or are you asking how you should eat for each goal?
The recommedn percentage of Protien/carbs/fats according to the ZONE diet is 40/30/30, however most nutrtionists recommend 50/35/15 ratio, personally im trying to keep a 50/30/20 ratio which seems to be working for me. Your best bet is to play with the numbers and see what best works for you.

gainlean mass some ppl dont like it when thye say lean mass. they think its only bulking or cutting. so what do u guys thinks?
my diet will also be while im ON. keeping that inmind