Help; PIP after massaging


New member
I'm on week 7 of my Sustanon 300 cycle (Spartan).
I've been taking 1cc/week alternating between delts. So far this geat has had a serious tendency to stick in the muscle and work out over time. I flow injection protocol, warm the gear, massage the area and use a heat pad on it afterward. It generally swells up but heat pad and massage brings it down within a week. My friend is on the same stuff doing the same injection routine and experiencing similar effects.
The results of the gear have been very positive aside from the bump, but my last injection (4 days ago) gave me real hard bump, so I threw a heat pad on it and massaged it by rolling a hard water bottle over it. I pressed a little to hard and it felt like I stuck a piece of glass in there (sharp stinging pain).
I stopped massaging and have been using a heat pack on it intermittently for almost 24 hours now. The bump is about the same size, no redness other than from the heat pack and no heat. But the sharp, glass like pain is still there and feels worse than my first injection.
My question is; what could I have done to cause this pain and should I be concerned or just wait it out a few more days, as I may have agrivated the already irritated muscle?
P.S. This is my first cycle and I apologize in advance if I posted this in the wrong area or made doe other flub.
There is so much wrong here. Apart from your shitty cycle, you should not be massaging the injection site afterwards. Holding a bit of pressure on afterwards is fine, but no massaging. You are pushing the oil around and probably into subq tissue which is why you & your friend are getting so much inflammation. You need to leave it be now and let it heal.

Now lets address your cycle. So your running 300mg sus per week? You do realise that your shutting down your natural production and replacing it with not much more right? Very little benefits to your cycle. Most of the weight you have gained so far is probably just water due to elevated e2.

Sus needs to be pinned every day or every second day. Pinning once a week is going to cause massive fluctuations.

Please do some research/basic reading before your next cycle... What have you got planned for PCT?
Pip, swelling and painful injection sites, weight gain due to water retention and bloating (high estrogen), your hpta totally shut down now, shrinking balls.. Next is acne all over and bitch tits, then a dick that won't work anymore.

Sounds like a hella good time mates!

Pip is not your biggest problem right now,, lay out your total cycle protocol length and pct and some guys here will get u back on track before it's too late.
I read some articles on sustanon and did a post asking about my cycle before but noone had really said that I shouldn't run sustanon like this and It's the way our source had recommended. I definitely appreciate it if some experienced users an help me make my cycle better/safer.
I'm 30 yo, 6ft, 215lb and been working night for approx 5 years.
With regard to the massaging. Initially this wasn't something I was doing, until I started getting the bad swelling and read a long post on the benefits of it and a lot of users saying hat they do it.

This is the basic cycle layout. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sustanon 12 week 1 cc/week
Aromatase inhibitor Week 2-15
Clomoplex-50 week 15 75mg/day, week 16-17 50mg/day
I read some articles on sustanon and did a post asking about my cycle before but noone had really said that I shouldn't run sustanon like this and It's the way our source had recommended. I definitely appreciate it if some experienced users an help me make my cycle better/safer.
I'm 30 yo, 6ft, 215lb and been working night for approx 5 years.
With regard to the massaging. Initially this wasn't something I was doing, until I started getting the bad swelling and read a long post on the benefits of it and a lot of users saying hat they do it.

This is the basic cycle layout. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sustanon 12 week 1 cc/week
Aromatase inhibitor Week 2-15
Clomoplex-50 week 15 75mg/day, week 16-17 50mg/day

Your sustanon 300 is dosed at 300 mg per ml (per cc), prob comes in 300mg/10 ml bottles.. And,, without going directly to the 4 ester blend of sutanaon (I'll go off top my head),, 60 % or more of that sustanon is a long Esther lower absorption rate test (so imagine injecting 180 mg of test c a week is all your doing ,, that ain't shit)..
Now take into account the faster acting shorter Esters in sustanon that need to be injected eod,, yet your doing it once a week,, total fluctuation going on here.. Your dose is too small, the long esters aren't shit and the short esters are just in and out ..

I'd inject a half ml (half cc) at 150 mg eod.. Get your levels up and steady. Rotate injection sites, glutes, delts, quads.. Smaller volume of injection, like half a cc, may help with lumps and knots and pip.. What size pins u using , gauge and length per site?
What's your aromisin mg dosage per day?
Where's your hcg?
Pct -- hmm.. I'd go clomid and nolvadex for four weeks (but I don't run pct cause of trt)

Note: if you were not ready on your first cycle to pin all the time then u should have went with test cyp for your first cycle, imo
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I'll start doing the small more frequent does, I don't mind pinning and it will be nice to not have the giant knots anyway.
Can't remember my pins off top of my head and I'm not home right now.
No hCG available.
I will see if I can get Nolvadex to add to my PCT, I was originally going to but was told that the Clomid would be fine for just a sust cycle. If I can't, will Clomid suffice?
Clomid only is ok. But both is better. If you cant get nolva don't kill yoursel, you will be fine. Make sure you get blood work done 6 weeks after pct. RUI has gtg nolvadex.
Okay, good. I'll definitely be getting post bloodwork done to make sure everything is back to normal.
Should I wait 4 weeks to start PCT, because of the long esters in Sus?
I will see if I can get Nolvadex to add to my PCT, I was originally going to but was told that the Clomid would be fine for just a sust cycle. If I can't, will Clomid suffice?

Clomid is "just fine". .. Please note that the terminology "just fine or just ok" is just the opposite of "optimal".
Whoever told you clomid is just fine,,because it's only sustanon,, is prob just fine.. But pct is pct,, wither it's test e, sustanon, deca, var, etc.. Your shut down then your shut down, period.. You can't say , oh all I did was a little testosterone for 12 weeks, I don't need an "optimal" pct like I may have needed if i did a test/tren/mast huge cycle.. It's all the same,, shut down is shut down, period, pct is pct period and should always be optimal.

""Will just clomid suffice""--
Suffice?? Suffice??--- your on a cycle and training hard and eating hard and injecting shit in your body to be your own best bad ass you can be! .... Is "suffice" really a word you want to use?
It's not about what will suffice,, it's about what is BEST !!
You're right, I'll get ahold of my source and get some Nolva.
Thanks for the help/ telling me like it is! Was basically just told to check out FAQs when I posted asking about my planned cycle before hand.
With regard to my original question. Keep heat packing it without massaging it?
You're right, I'll get ahold of my source and get some Nolva.
Thanks for the help/ telling me like it is! Was basically just told to check out FAQs when I posted asking about my planned cycle before hand.
With regard to my original question. Keep heat packing it without massaging it?

I wouldn't worry about pip or treating it.. Soon enough it will be a thing of the past (unless you end up with toxic gear or an infection).. I grab my gear, go,through my protocol, and inject,, hit both delts the other day, 2 ml in right quad, 2 ml in glute.. Pip is NOT an issue,, it's so minor of a thing,, it's like saying I trained chest for an hour on Monday and on Wednesday my chest hurts!! Well good..
Pip- is a minor minor thing unless your injecting wrong and getting bacterial infection,,
Okay, I'll leave it along and see what happens. Was just concerned about the fact that it only started hiring after I massaged it and that I may have done something wrong. Probably just paranoid.
Thanks again for the help!
I'm on week 7 of my Sustanon 300 cycle (Spartan).
I've been taking 1cc/week alternating between delts. So far this geat has had a serious tendency to stick in the muscle and work out over time. I flow injection protocol, warm the gear, massage the area and use a heat pad on it afterward. It generally swells up but heat pad and massage brings it down within a week. My friend is on the same stuff doing the same injection routine and experiencing similar effects.
The results of the gear have been very positive aside from the bump, but my last injection (4 days ago) gave me real hard bump, so I threw a heat pad on it and massaged it by rolling a hard water bottle over it. I pressed a little to hard and it felt like I stuck a piece of glass in there (sharp stinging pain).
I stopped massaging and have been using a heat pack on it intermittently for almost 24 hours now. The bump is about the same size, no redness other than from the heat pack and no heat. But the sharp, glass like pain is still there and feels worse than my first injection.
My question is; what could I have done to cause this pain and should I be concerned or just wait it out a few more days, as I may have agrivated the already irritated muscle?
P.S. This is my first cycle and I apologize in advance if I posted this in the wrong area or made doe other flub.

NEVER massage or mess with the area after pinning... not sure why people think there is logic in that... your causing more damage and irritation... your not working water into a slice of bread....

heat pad or hot water bottle or hot shower maybe. but just leave it be for the most part IMO
I did shoulders the day after the shot, I was holding off doing them with the swelling but did them again last night and seems good. No real change this far. I think my shot may have gone sub Q, my pin is 26 5/8, but I guess that it may not have gotten in there far enough.
I did shoulders the day after the shot, I was holding off doing them with the swelling but did them again last night and seems good. No real change this far. I think my shot may have gone sub Q, my pin is 26 5/8, but I guess that it may not have gotten in there far enough.

Oh, training the muscle group has no bearing. Go for it, unless its causing you pain.

Google "Z track method" for injections, it may help you prevent subq leaks. And yes make sure your getting in deep enough.
Appears that it has gone down, still no signs of infection but itchy as hell. I Think that most of it went SubQ. I'm going to try and Ztrack and see if I can get longer pins, thanks.
Also, thanks for the tips on the cycle. Gone with .5ml eod since. Have done quads and it seems much better tbh.