Help please buddys in trouble


New member
Please save me the posts that will imply this is about me. I have a buddy, he called me today asking what PCT he should do. This is a guy who has cycled a few times already and didnt properly PCT then either. He and I have discussed cycling because we play ball together and he is pretty open about juicing. All his cycles have been test only and over the counter PCT. Prior to him doing this cycle i gave him all of the archived threads that i had printed off including Austinites guide to a first cycle. Well apparently he didnt follow it. Anyway he called me today saying hes been off for 10 days and he feels like shit and was wondering what pct to do. I said for sure clomid and nolva, but obviously you cant just go down the street for that. So anything I can tell him to use in the meantime while i try to point him in the right direction for the other stuff? Any advice would be appreciated. I dont know how much he was doing weekly or for how long. I do know the guy he gets the test from tells him he will be okay with over the counter pct, which ive tried to argue with him about many times and why i gave him all of the threads i archived for when i decide to cycle.
Honestly guys if i was in trouble i would say so. I personally have never cycled. In fact if you look at my last thread i was asking for advice on when to cycle because i had taken a break from lifting since August. Anyway 3j i think its test E. I was thinking of having him order some clo and dex from one of the places i know of from here but dont know how long it will take. He just messaged me and said he went to nutrisport and got Recycle?
i doubt blood were done. i told him what he was doing was serious business in regards to his endocrine system, but he must not have taken me seriously. speaking of the lion, how long does it take to get it?
i told him about the info here several times Mega, it always "yeah ill check it out". thats why i printed the stuff for him and gave it to him. this kid hes 24, was a stud before he started doing this and i am legitimately concerned about him. I tried to talk him out of using.
i told him about the info here several times Mega, it always "yeah ill check it out". thats why i printed the stuff for him and gave it to him. this kid hes 24, was a stud before he started doing this and i am legitimately concerned about him. I tried to talk him out of using.

You can lead a horse to water...
he must be in bad shape to text me out of the blue today. thanks for all the replies. im going to try to get him to come here and make an order or give me his info and ill do it for him. Thanks guys
If hes running long ester test you really dont even need to start pct for 10-14 days. Although, it would knowing what his dose was. Im honestly suprised hes feeling like shit aftet ten days. Are you sure its something unrelated thats making him feel that way. What symptoms is he having. Just tell him to order some nolva and clomid and to stop being a bitch.
It's very simple. Have him order the Clomid and tamoxifen from RUI. It'll be on his doorstep in a few days. If he's too dumb to do that, order it for him and charge him double when it comes in.
Just sent him the links to come here and go to Riu, but he insisted he would "see how the recycle works first". Damn man. Plus hes supposed to be going to boot camp for the guard in March. I spoon fed him some of the best info this site has to offer when I gave him my archived print outs. Very frustrating. He was already an athlete before all this. Had a fullride for soccer and basketball at a D2 school. I wont give up though. Hes a good dude.
Just sent him the links to come here and go to Riu, but he insisted he would "see how the recycle works first". Damn man. Plus hes supposed to be
going to boot camp for the guard in March. I spoon fed him some of the best info this site has to offer when I gave him my archived print outs. Very frustrating. He was already an athlete before all this. Had a fullride for soccer and basketball at a D2 school. I wont give up though. Hes a good dude.

Well, u have more patience then most of us, you've gotten great advice from everyone and he still chooses not to listen. Let him deal with it himself, and when he comes crying to you in a couple more weeks when he can't get a hard on, tell him u told him so.
If hes running long ester test you really dont even need to start pct for 10-14 days. Although, it would knowing what his dose was. Im honestly suprised hes feeling like shit aftet ten days. Are you sure its something unrelated thats making him feel that way. What symptoms is he having. Just tell him to order some nolva and clomid and to stop being a bitch.

If he didn't use an AI im sure his E2 is way over it didn't say if he did or didn't and it also didn't say how long his cycle was.
So he called me back. Found out he was on ten months. I got him to agree to clomid and nolvadex. With that amount of time do you think he needs anything else. He will be purchasing today.