Help please. Erectile dysfunction


New member
Hey guys, so recently I decided to do a cycle of v-Tren trenavar, it made me feel horrible so I got off after about a week, I started taking finaflex revolution pct just as precaution, but it made me lose the sex drive that I still had, wasn't able to get hard or anything so I stopped, it came back fur a little bit but then completely disappeared so I started the pct again, it didn't really do much tho,it helped when I was on it but stopped after I was off sheet finishing the bottle, so I decided to take pct assault, this pct really helped on my last cycle but isn't doing much for me yet and it is kind of freaking me out. I'm going to finish the bottle to see how I feel but I'm going to get bw done, till then do you guys have any advice, please help a bro out
Oh abd I didn't take it last night abd my balls feel different than when I was using the pct, like I can feel like something's kind of happening in them. I'm Not taking it right now because I'm getting bw done in a few days
Those otc pcts are spreading like a plague ..

A newbie sees the word (pct) in a box and starting popping those useless tabs thinking it's helping him.

This crap doesn't work. Period.
1) dont do oral only cycles without test base
2) do REAL pct's which is with a SERM or even a combo of two, not otc crap
3) RUIproducts has CIA for research... might want to get that too...

Good luck!